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Everything posted by dib

  1. Given the proximity, it's the Dolfelons hands down.
  2. This show is embarrassing and an insult. Woman wins a tremendous sum of money and cannot subtract 7 from 12. She was asked, "Which continent is also a country" she replied "all of them".
  3. I took him how long to come up with this weak @ss reason?
  4. A superbowl win would last me a lot longer than 10,000$ and I wouldnt have to pay taxes on it.
  5. Once, I went to a boxing match, and a hockey game broke out.
  6. If only stupid like this were all we had to worry about in society. BTW cant use fag (slang term for cigarette) or faggot ( a bundle of stick s for burning) anymore either.
  7. If Ella Fitzgerald married Dartrh Vader what would her new name be? . . . . . . . . . . . . Ella Vader.
  8. Maybe they can destroy it the way they screwed up Starship Troopers.
  9. I just read that the Sabres store will be offering shirts and hats with Ricks quotes on them. Problem is- I live 1400 miles from the Sabres store, and I cant find a web site for the HSBC Sabres store ( the only place they're being offered). I would love to pick some up.
  10. I only keep the ones that I starred in.
  11. Pyatt doesnt wear a cup? Man, I would sure wear one with that puck going 100mph. What?
  12. I would be more than willing to assist her in her research.
  13. dib


    if you ever accuse me of posting anything beneficial relating to the Dolfelons I will cut you off from my avatars. Also, I would LOVE to handle them.
  14. dib


    well, if you would let me know how, i would. some of them however are just thumbnails because my site blocks almost everything else.
  15. So now the bull is the only one able to be horny? what?
  16. dib


    When I change my avatar I cant always see the new one, even if I refresh, etc.
  17. Crap, I dont get a mention even with my avatars.
  18. Joey Porter was arrested for punching a fellow NFL'er in Vegas. He could serve 6 months ( and monkeys might fly out of my butt) Porter is a POS with a littany of charges behind him, including being fined 15,000$ for threatening an official.
  19. It's got to be better than flying coach.
  20. I was sorry I didnt get to see that game. Wait. No I'm not.
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