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Everything posted by dib

  1. The monster from the id. (Forbidden planet)
  2. I've been walking about 60 years.
  3. Where's Jesse Jackson? Where's Al Sharpton? Where is the righteous indignation?
  4. I've eaten octopus, its like chewing an eraser.
  5. They can also change their skin texture.
  6. Dont forget to change the air in the glove compartment
  7. People thought killing wolves was a good idea too.
  8. Oh, absolutely
  9. Sushi is visually inspected for parasites. Good luck with that spotting some of the hair thin worms. Heres a question, would you eat raw pork? Play on words- from the song "If you knew Susie, like I know Susie" Is that what you're calling it now?
  10. the guy in the long car wont care
  11. Just make sure your purse matches the socks
  12. If you knew sushi like i know sushi.........
  13. Your write than I'll be much careful
  14. Swordfish are loaded with mercury and are overfished. Try grouper, or redfish. Snapper (the fish) is good too, well so is the other snapper. I'm trying to find someplace that sells lionfish.
  15. Its going to be sticky in the Northeast
  16. Help me Obi Wan Kenobi
  17. I'm going to run and raise awareness for people that cant afford diarrhea medicine.
  18. I agree the civilian population was being prepared to combat any invasion forces
  19. You would never hear a B-52 Hiroshima was a major military headquarters. Nagasaki, among other things produced steel and arms.
  20. The reason Japan was bombed twice was because Germany had surrendered. One bomb was destined for Berlin, one for Japan. Dont forget, Aug.6,1945 would not be possible without Dec. 7, 1941
  21. I've always been a breast guy myself
  22. This opens the door to a whole new sport
  23. So far in my backyard I have found: 1. water moccasin 2. Black racer 3.raccoons 4.iguana 5.Alligator 6.various turtles 7. brown recluse spider (I mention this because it bit me) 8. tarpon in the canal behind my house I live 10 minutes from the Dolphin training camp so it's not like I live in the everglades
  24. If the dentist wants to go after an apex predator why not try a great white, while free diving armed with a knife
  25. an aye? and what the hell are you talking about
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