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Everything posted by dib

  1. I belong to an underwear club like that. What?
  2. thats as bad as the SOB that uses someone elses handicap parking permit. The permit is supposed to be for the driver not the vehicle
  3. Here's an idea. Read the book.
  4. Judging from the lead line.......................Irv Weinstein lives! Pistol Packing Punks Pummel Policeman!
  5. Holy Buckets! I'm getting money back this year. I dont remember EVER getting money back. Of course there is that that college tuition thing
  6. I havent been able to find out if telephoto lenses from 35mm nikons are compatible with Nikon digital slr's. Anybody know?
  7. I havent been able to find out if telephoto lenses from 35mm nikons are compatible with Nikon digital slr's. Anybody know?
  8. get your wife/girlfriend to take a cold shower and lie real still. you can pretend she's Norma Jean
  9. Smelling my skin burn I forgot about that, I about puked. I understand better now what WW2 vets mean about that smell on a battlefield.
  10. I had a patch of skin cancer taken off my nose two weeks ago. It looked like hell for a while but at least now women and children dont run from the room. I have to go back for a re-check in a month
  11. http://www.cafepress.com/buy/buffalo keep scrolling through- amazing/hilarious stuff
  12. Ooooooooh Jim, you can get under my center any time. OOOOOOh Jim, I'll be your wide reciever. Jim, Hand off? You mean like in football? Jim, do you like cigars?
  13. Thats what happens when mom and dad are brother and sister.
  14. sementics? Isnt that what sidewalks are made of?
  15. I'm sure he loves both of his children equally. What?
  16. zero. Scars make better stories than tatoos.
  17. ah, drunk and stupid stories. Sorry, cant help you.
  18. Clam juice. Isnt that when................Oh never mind.
  19. Next, they'll be saying that the Earth is round. Pshaw.
  20. Did sharpton stop for a rest after chasing ambulances?
  21. if they can scream at me underwater more power to them. I wear hearing protection at the range. How do you equate the click of probably a digital camera with a scream?
  22. OOOOOOOOh you've asailed my manhood "never played football". what an inane statement. No I dont play golf, I scuba dive and target shoot. Yes I have played football and coached it as well. Tiger is a prima donna like most pro atheletes. If he is disturbed by the click of a camera he is somewhat less than focused.
  23. so a camera makes a 'click' and Tiger goes apesh*t? kitty. 80,000 screaming fans can't distract a fg kicker but tiger cant put up with a click. If I was the cameraman I would have responded with "Well then why dont you do that right now?"
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