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Everything posted by dib

  1. You could say the same thing about the departure of Kieth McKellar i.e. the K-gun offense
  2. Wait a minute everyone, the report I read said that he pulled out his gun. I didnt see anything about a pistol.
  3. I've got it! "Peace, through superior firepower" Hardy was just trying to restore order.
  4. Not guilty is not the same as innocent. If Hardy pulled a handgun and his father was unarmed, the younger Hardy could have been arrested, concealed weapons licence or not. It all has to do with appropriate response of force.
  5. If its just a surface scratch there are a number of products that will remove the scuff, even ordinary wax. If it's through the paint, then hi ho hi ho it's off to the shop you go, no matter what these B.S. infomercials say. I would recommend taking to the dealer rather than a mom and pop store.
  6. He's a thug. IU and the Buffalo Bills. definitely a thug.
  7. so they wanted to play XBOX when they had a real bo............. Never mind
  8. A number of years ago my wife and I went to greet as they arrived at their hotel down here. I handed her the camera to get photos while I hunted autographs. When the film was developed I had 30 pictures of Bruce and 6 pictures of other players.
  9. Against: Notre Dame Florida FSU Dolfelons Patsies Flyers Penguins Stars (no goal)
  10. 6 hours of tailgating, then an hour drive home through customs. Yummy. Oh, and by the way if you do get arrested you're in a foreign country.
  11. Re. The Dolphins/Bills- my most painful moment is the game where the Bills almost ruined the Felons perfect season and ended up fumbling the game away.
  12. Gas in Saudi Arabia is like what, 12 cents a gallon?
  13. Somehow I doubt he'll make it to 60
  14. what kind of player do you need? I cant get it to go.
  15. Jodie should lay off the training table
  16. There are some women however that should be wall papered instead of painted
  17. Outstanding, I waited to long and now will probably have to wait another year for fantasy fest. There are places up the road, but......no.
  18. So that doesnt mean she still won't be sneaking over to my house to see me.,
  19. dib


    Australia, New Zeland, you're welcome
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