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Everything posted by dib

  1. What was that noise? Oh, the Jets just scored again.
  2. Davis looks like he's the one on the way out
  3. sounds like the fat@ss that complains airline seats are too small.
  4. thanks krc, I could find all sorts of information, everything except his jersey number.
  5. I researched his jersey number and came up with #61. Can anyone confirm this as I could only find one site that gave info regarding his jersey number
  6. from the opening kickoff til the start of the 4th quarter he was having a love affair with the Rams. I thought he would have prefered sheep.
  7. Happy days are here again, the skies are clear and blue again, happy days are here again................ I could have gone to Florida, but my parents were married.
  8. Frankly, I think he's pretty damned eloquent for a former NFL player. How sad is that.
  9. OK, besides Beeeyews, is he not the most illiterate analyst on tv?
  10. First time a beaver was ever hard on a trojan
  11. I wonder how many of these PETA people wear leather belts/shoes, or have leather seats in their cars and homes.
  12. Texas A and M tried it against the Hurricanes. Miami owned them If colleges can figure it out, pro defensive coordinators shouldnt have a problem
  13. I remember getting SRO tickets and having to look almost straight down at the ice to see the Sabres.
  14. animals have their place. right next to the mashed potatos
  15. what the heck happened against the Leafs?
  16. Maybe Whitner didnt realize he was in the endzone. Hot pursuit. Maybe
  17. If you're old enough to have seen Bruce play, he did the same thing, it would make me crazy to see him form a natural pocket for the QB. Of course every once in a while he'd crash inside too. It might be the scheme and not the player.
  18. I'm surprised you didnt hear my son and I screaming down here. Switching channels back and forth, it was fun to watch the patsie fans streaming out of the stadium like rats deserting a sinking ship
  19. Who told him about the warhead!!!!!
  20. even the radio stations here are saying that he should have kept his mouth shut. Joey "I cant practice because my back hurts, and I couldnt cover an old woman in a wheelchair" Porter
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