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Everything posted by dib

  1. Looks like all of her exams in High school were of the oral variety.
  2. But we've already lost the last two so it is a moot point. Now, Buffalo is already in a must win situation. Hint: 3rd and 1, try a fullback.
  3. I dont know, I kind of miss The Flintstones.
  4. I pretty much like anything with Humphrey Bogart in it. Esp. Sahara, and Casablanca
  5. You dont suppose that the Obama camp told them to lay low and shut up?
  6. Richard Pryor's routine about the first African American president addressing the nation? Just sayin'
  7. No. You dont want him. Too much of a 'me' guy.
  8. You can sync it with the computer radio feed, if you have DVR you'll need to delay the picture a bit
  9. No the observation comes from the Jets constantly running up the middle pretty much whenever they felt like it, and the perfect passing lanes the Bills gave Farve
  10. The middle of the defensive line is non-existant.
  11. I still say the Bills got a cr@p spot on that 4th and !
  12. on a similar note- How does a jets player intentionaly stepping out of bounds, and taking the football with him constitute a kick out of bounds. I'm so confused.
  13. What would you want to be doing right before you die unexpectedly? Thanking both of the girls.
  14. Happy Birthday Zach. Dad, welcome to the hardest job you'll ever love.
  15. I saw a ghost once. Downstairs taking to my cousin in a darkened room, only my cousin was upstairs at the time and no one else was downstairs but me. Once while watching tv in the finished basement I heard the chairs moving across the floor in the kitchen, wnet upstairs to see who was home. No one was. As a small child I had to attend the funeral of an aunt, later at the wake I turned a corner and there stood the dead aunt. No one told me she had a twin sister.
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