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Everything posted by dib

  1. My son encountered the same problem, XBOX sent him a prepaid mailing box to return for repairs. XBOX repaired it, except, he was red ringed for a second time.
  2. True, it did get the Bills noteriety by virtue of going from first to worst.
  3. The sun will come out.................tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrooooooooooooooooooow Do you really see us beating the Jets/Felons/Pats? I certainly hope the Bills end thier string of making opposing QB's look good.
  4. Lets add Charles Manson at the flanker.
  5. 3rd and 1 shonert(sic) passes. game on the line 3 straight runs into the middle.
  6. Youre right the 4 AFC championships didnt mean a thing. I'm talking about teams that didnt worry if they'd when, only when they'd win.
  7. Dont feel bad for them, they dont know any better. I've seen the pre Kelly Bills, the Kelly Bills and the post Kelly Bills. It's agonizing to watch this team knowing what was.
  8. Maybe if you could slip another service team in there he'd do even better.
  9. 3 OF OUR 5 L's COME FROM GAMES WE SHOULD HAVE WON! BOTTOM LINE! Coulda shoulda woulda bottom line- they still lost
  10. knew we were in trouble with the pre-game Quinn lovefest.
  11. I agree, but then again there's this extension thing.
  12. Yeah, that's like saying: "Except for that Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?"
  13. Congratulations to the Bills complete lack of offensive innovation. Once again we couch potatoes were able to call plays by formation. Thank you to the ESPN announcer that brought up Scott Norwoods' miss from 47 yards out nearly 2 decades ago. I'm glad I didnt stay up for the whole thing. I'm glad I didnt pay the extra 100$ for superfan. Defensive backs- maybe not so much cushion. Cleveland should thank the Bills for making a rookie QB look so good. Gosh now the Patriots/Felons game is being described as 'pivotal' I'm going to copyright the phrase-"Next Year" Just poke me in the eye with a sharp stick.
  14. no dashers/seats on the website, only typical stuff. Unfortunately I cant attend the auction.
  15. Thomas Tusser said "A man and his money are soon parted"
  16. Good luck Bulls. Miami plays VA Tech tonight for an ACC crown. I'd rather have VD than VT
  17. I'd like to apologize for expressing an opinion. If I have any opinions in the future I will check with you first.
  18. Where is this Bufallo of which you speak?
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