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Everything posted by dib

  1. How do you tell a 2 year old not to expect as much for Christmas. You dont. I was in a situation similar to this a few years ago. YOU make the sacrifice, cut something out, save up, make sure that your two year old has an enjoyable christmas.You and your wife understand the situation, your 2 year old doesnt.
  2. How do you tell a 2 year old not to expect as much for Christmas. You dont. I was in a situation similar to this a few years ago. YOU make the sacrifice, cut something out, save up, make sure that your two year old has an enjoyable christmas.You and your wife understand the situation, your 2 year old doesnt.
  3. Why cant Ricky Williams join in the huddle? He's not allowed to associate with known felons. Dolphin: A mammal without external genitalia
  4. In other news, a number of Bills offensive players were unable to enter their homes today, someone had painted a goal line in front of the doors
  5. Will they bring pressure against Chad or continue to hope that the front 4 can do it alone? We'll see how this coaching staff responds. 1. the front four has consistently created natural passing/running lanes for QB's 2. Why is Kawika Mitchell's picture on milk cartons? 3. Corners- 3rd and 5, dont give a 6 yard cushion 4. Offense-no need to hide the rest of your playbook anymore 5. Someone please spackle the mannequin on the sideline he's showing a little wear.
  6. when you rely on DVD's of games downloaded from tapes to cheer you up
  7. They will be too busy laughing sbout playing in a dome up north in December. Watch the players clustered on the sideline, they will be taking bets that they know what the play is before it's run.
  8. I like carol of the bells too, I dont even care if they play it as a WalMart commercial
  9. Did you ever watch the '' making of' that segment of BoB? It's taped in frigging building! In freakin side.
  10. Hmmmmmm I wonder if they'll show the Bastogne episode from 'Band of Brothers'? What?
  11. I have a chicken wing hat and a drew bledsoe standee free for just postage
  12. I wonder if the dog said anything to him.
  13. Jauron makes pudding look hard.
  14. "Dont worry boys, they're just Indians" George Armstrong Custer
  15. here's a stick in the eye.............the Scum Sentinel talking about the Dolfelons winning the division
  16. The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle. ~Author Unknown
  17. I dont think it was canceled so much as it just ended. I do wonder however if Lucius Vorenus is really dead.
  18. Turk Schonert has the offensive acumen of an 8th grade girl from Khazakstan
  19. Maybe the Duke of Wellington can explain it. "They came on in the same old way and we killed them in the same old way" Lack of a pass rush, no offensive imagination. Sound familiar? The Bills lost to a team with a losing record, at home.
  20. and they get paid a whole lot more too.
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