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Everything posted by dib

  1. Happy Birthday. Crap, I thought you were older than I am.
  2. I will attempted to expand your dark and narrow universe. Evil doers, criminals, whatever, were tied over the mouth of a loaded cannon. The cannon would then be fired with predictable results. Hence the term: "You're fired"
  3. If she was bulimic he'd have been back in a half an hour
  4. somebody should tie him over the end of a cannon, and...................
  5. I'm starting a line of felt lined paper bags for the 4-12 winter part of the season.
  6. she looks a little 'plowed' herself
  7. Space: Above and Beyond was great when I was a freshman in high school. It's available on DVD
  8. I was having the same discussion with my wife, usually I look forward to the fall, now, not so much. Ralph seems content to allow the stagnation to continue. Same losing coach while other teams are cleaning house.
  9. OK no more cracks about his butt
  10. suffers 'exposure' I get it. What?
  11. How about: 'Biggest loser dancing with the stars on ice.'
  12. Maybe he could go see the wizard and get some cojones.
  13. Good thing all of those tv writers struck for higher pay.
  14. yeah, that and our complete lack of offensive innovation
  15. 54, fan since age 10. depressed. How can Buffalo rehire a coach with a losing record. Other teams in the NFL are canning coaches that have losing seasons. Players like him. Hell if I didnt have to practice in pads and practiced indoors I'd like him too, see they get paid win or lose. Normally I'd be looking forward to August, now not so much. Buffalo Bills Football=the movie Groundhog Day.
  16. Sounds like some man love going on here
  17. It's 'Risky Business' in Germany. A Whiff of an accent would have been appreciated
  18. There are overflow lots across the street from the stadium that I have seen campers and RV's in regularly. There are others north of the stadium but they're a bit of a walk http://www.dolphinstadium.com/content/parking.aspx
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