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Everything posted by dib

  1. I've seen 100 yards over the rim. Still like "The 7th" better, besides it has a tank in it.
  2. The Invaders The 7th is made up of Phantoms
  3. When my son was very young he wanted to play one of those games where you try to capture a toy with a grappling hook/crane. I said," You don't want any of that junk" He replied "Just because it's junk to you doesn't mean it's junk to me." Point taken.
  4. 84 degrees in Davie, Florida.
  5. What do you mean alone? We're your family too!
  6. It would matter, if it mattered.
  7. I plan on being bummed this Christmas eve, my kids cant come home this year.
  8. Life is like a poop sandwich the more bread you have the less poop you eat.
  9. You have no idea how hard it was to find a maid costume that fit.
  10. That would explain the 101 yards of penalties.
  11. This team quit a few games ago, their heads aren't into it. 101 yards in penalties? Really?
  12. Never mind. Just confirmed there is no single player campaign for the PS3. BOHICA
  13. Am I to assume that there is no single player campaign mode for PS3, and only for PS4? Pardon me while I throw something.
  14. Kudos to the Gator
  15. Punch America first. See what happens.
  16. A date which will live in Infamy
  17. I saw that option, will have to try to save the photos somehow
  18. I cant accept calls or dial out. no one blocked not airplane mode reset phone twice. anyone? anyone?
  19. If you're into alternate history, do yourself a favor and look up Harry Turtledove
  20. I read the book so long ago that the book only cost 60 cents. Any word as to whether the series will be released on dvd?
  21. keeps them from reselling the uneaten fries
  22. I'm not a 'former' porn star.
  23. Today is thanksgiving day, gobble gobble gobble
  24. Then that would make his mom-Mother Phuc...........never mind.
  25. Congrats. The hardest job you'll ever love.
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