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Everything posted by dib

  1. I'd like to donate to get him a chair. I'd even pay his electric bill.
  2. If I remember correctly the beers at the Hurricane games go for 7$, A can of fosters is 12$.
  3. beer AND cocktails. Both are crazy expensive though. Thats what tailgates are for.
  4. I just renewed my Miami Hurricane tickets. I sit on an aisle, no more than 20 feet from a rest room and a beer booth, directly across the field from the Jumbotron.
  5. I wonder if Orlando Pace has any gas left in the tank?
  6. OK I can see I'm not being taken seriously so here's the new avatar
  7. I have Madden for the PS3 and find it distressingly slow even at the higher levels
  8. The Buffalo guy that set up the Muslim T.V. station, claims he didnt do it. I guess he didnt know the knife was loaded and it went off.
  9. Did you hear about the latest Pirate movie? It's rated argggggggggggghhhh
  10. The Bottom line is his talent warrants him to be $10Million + a season. His "talent" is that he is large. What a short memory you guyz have I remember him giving up sacks because he was out of shape and skipped camp What world do you guyz live in????? I live in a world where it's spelled: guys I
  11. Pirates have ships ninijas are land locked
  12. pirates have rum ninjas have sake sake sucks
  13. Let Peters survive on the bankers salary, IF he can do the job.
  14. What a POS. People are losing jobs, living in tents and this * is quibbling about 3 MILLION dollars. He has no other skills other than being large. Let him go out and work for a living and try to make the same money.
  15. What is stan Laurel's number?
  16. dib


    Mike Ditka Vince Lombardi Tony Sparano
  17. dib


    I agree to a large extend, I am also a believer on the theory that a team takes on it's coaches' personna. Jauron belongs in Madam Tousad's (sic) wax museum
  18. dib


    Why do you use glue?
  19. You should find a higher class hooker. Why do buildings burn down when they burn up?
  20. dib


    Like Playboy, look at the pictures AND read the articles
  21. brought in TO to stir up the team. Isnt that DICK'S job?
  22. Grade/Comment: D Sure, the specter of T.O. and Lee Evans on opposite sides create nightmare matchup problems for the Dolphins, but a divisive Owens and oft-troubled running back Marshawn Lynch may create their own nightmares inside the locker room. Looks like the Toronto Bills will go the entire decade without a playoff berth. Looks like we're tied to the whipping post
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