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Everything posted by dib

  1. you wouldnt want to be a twit would you?
  2. I want to pay the extra 100$ to watch the Bills go 7-9 in HD
  3. Good, now his 5 year old son wont be a bastage.
  4. Looking at her he probably wanted to die.
  5. I'm sure the gunman will be described as having "an extensive criminal record" The jails and prisons are overcrowded? There is a simple solution- no more commutation of death sentences. That should clear up some space.
  6. Try and get that on a personalized liscence plate. I'm sure "moff Diver" would be a real chick magnet.
  7. He's 67, she's 36. It's good to know people still marry for love.
  8. P.S. No 'e' in Blu Good Lord, not a good day for me today.
  9. bite me. I cant help it if i have fat fingers
  10. I just heard on a WGR commercial that blue ray players are compatable with regular DVD's. I did not think they were compatable. Or, is this a new generation /brand of blue ray+
  11. I'm surprised Turk wasnt watching the movie:"Titanic" and there was a Bills reference.
  12. Don't you mean softer than Jauron's d*ck?
  13. rum and root beer peach schnapps and crown royal
  14. rooting for the Sabres and Bills is getting to be like dating twins that promise you ecstasy and then go home before the evening is over. Leaving you with blue testicles.
  15. Stone cold sober-it's lent.
  16. true and I wish you'd stop coming over from your street corner to ask me for spare change.
  17. I've heard that Call of Duty Modern Warfare2 is coming out soon.
  18. I met with my boss and told him that I had struck a pedestrian and been caught with an unliscenced weapon and pot. He said: "You're fired"
  19. As long as there are Barnes and Noble, or B. Daltons people will use them as libraries so in essence no, libraries will not go out of style. Did I mention that I hate people that use Barnes and Noble as a library?
  20. my son and daughter were both potty trained by age 1, (they wore pull-ups at night) Each time they went to the head they were allowed to place a sticker on the potty. Sometimes the sticker ended up on the bathtub or cabinet but the end justified the means
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