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Everything posted by dib

  1. I'm well over 30 and still play video games, and yes I get laid. I also target shoot, scuba dive, weight lift, and read extensively. In addition I collect lead soldiers and paint my own. I used to play Avalon Hill games but lately I've drifted away from that. What's my point? Bite me if you don't like it.
  2. Maybe coupled with breaking and entering and/or trespassing?
  3. I cant wait untiil lent is over, I'm seeing spiders because I'm sober.
  4. Anybody know how to get a bazooka team to fire on a target? I've read the rules, etc, nothing seems to inspire the team to shoot.
  5. It takes a football team to raise an idiot.
  6. You hate the three stooges? Get Out!
  7. When is Dick due to have his embalming fluid changed again?
  8. How will she get up if she's stuck to the ice?
  9. Again. I wish I was a professional athelete.
  10. didnt read the article, but the kid wasnt lighting them was he?
  11. I had to watch the Florida sports network feed. 1. The players looked like blobs with hockey sticks, horrible picture (and I have a dish) 2. Goldie Goldstien kept pronouncing Max's name as "Afinagoneov" 3. The FSN announcers are obvious and terrible homers
  12. the innocent child generally suffers anyway. No health care, poor nutrition, single parent home, little parent involvement. I cant even understand an "oops". Birth control is ready available, and don't throw religion at me, what kind of person doesnt use birth control on religious grounds and then has kids out of wedlock?
  13. I wonder if it would be possible to get a number 79 jersey, but hyphenate the 7-9. What would be a good name for the nameplate?
  14. score another one for the good guys. I hope the citizen pulls through.
  15. What is Buffalo saving their cap money for?
  16. THis game will give rise to a new Tom Brady rule. The defense has to count to 5 mississippi before they rush.
  17. Still think Bruce took a step down from Demi. Is the other guy into silicon or silicone? I'm confused.
  18. so who is going to protect the defensive players that get chopped to the ground so the QB doesnt get hit?
  19. you are assuming of course that these women should be dancing topless.
  20. wood rot, dry rot, termites, carpenter ants foundation cracks pipes/wiring composition check behind closed drapes for cracked windows when was the house re-roofed how current is the insulation/furnace/ac/water heater
  21. because it's more NEGATIVE attention. The bicker Bills got a lot of media attention also.
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