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Everything posted by dib

  1. What? I was thinking about lint.
  2. From what I understand the gap is wide among the voters
  3. Is it a good movie or just good CGI?
  4. http://blogs.trb.com/sports/custom/busines...rk_stadium.html So bite me.
  5. I wonder if Stormy is her real name.
  6. shooting is too quick for this POS I'm thinking a 5 pound sledge and a screw driver
  7. Where will she go for the Home coming dance? Do you help her with homework now? If you dont what makes you think you can home school her?
  8. and he didnt go in the draft because he loves the college game so much. Please, he tries half the crap he does in college against inferior teams against the pros, and they'll cart him off in a body bag.
  9. So what does this have to do with Dolfelon stadium?
  10. hindsight is always 20/20
  11. Word has it that the Dolfelon stadium will be renamed LandShark Stadium. Jimmy Buffet has been approached as a minor owner of the team as well.
  12. Heres the deal. The game freezes at the same spot every time I play it. I already returned the game to SONY once, and yes I checked this disc for smudges, etc. Is it possible that a bad save at this point in the game is causing the glitch? I really dont want to go through the sony thing again. Other games are fine, the only issue is with resistance 2.
  13. caption: "Grrrrrrrrr grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
  14. for all the good the pass rush does why dont we rush 2 and drop 9
  15. He said "........................................................................... ..............................................." insert cricket sounds here
  16. Amazing. All that typing and with only one hand.
  17. Why do you insist on posting articles filled with such smut? Disgusting.
  18. Hoses serpentine belt 9 mm with Hornady Critical defence rounds
  19. The only inkling of a remotely plausable idea would have been if NFL Europe still existed. Then the NFL would have moved a bit closer to a world championship, through a North American/European game.
  20. If you include O.J., dont you mean infamous?
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