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Everything posted by dib

  1. would you like to see redone properly. I for one would like to see Starship Troopers redone faithfully to the book. The two movies they put out were shear cr@p
  2. Vince Young is as dumb as a bag of hair, that may be why he's not handling the QB duties
  3. If you crash a party don't you get thrown out?
  4. He should start throwing challenge flags to the wind.
  5. The Brazilian Air Force has found debris along the flight path of the lost Air France Air Bus
  6. My God don't tell me we could actually employ play action! Play sequencing! Holy Buckets!
  7. The Atlantic is about 14,000ft deep there. Unless they can pin point the flight recorder no one is sending a submersible out .
  8. Pan Am crew flying in the opposite direction reported burning debris in the Atlantic
  9. The Beverly Hillbillies are spinning in their graves.
  10. with no distress call and no locater beacon whatever happened had to have happened very suddenly.
  11. Cr@p, I missed it, can I come over anyway?
  12. I have to go for an anti-estrogen booster shot.
  13. there once was a man from Nantucket......................
  14. I was never quite sure how a woman could 'rape' a boy. There has to be just a tad bit of cooperation on the boy's part
  15. So, am I being an ass and an overprotective helicopter parent and just a mean ole bugger who cannot see this kid is hurting and just needs some friends, no matter what age? Or, am I being properly cautious and need to think of my own kids at all costs first??? After all, 1 13 year old hanging with an 8 year old sends red flags up all day, notwithstanding the circumstances. They're your kids, you'd protect them with your life. Keep an eye on the situation, casually ask your children what they do with the 13 year old, what he talks about, etc. Give them advice as to how to get out of an uncomfortable situation and where to go for help if necessary.
  16. What kind of dogs did they use to find Bobbit's misplaced member? Cockers.
  17. Excellent logic. Deny the Bills a great tackle because of something that may/may not have been intentional.
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