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Everything posted by dib

  1. how's the speed? NC2A 2009 seemed a little slow.
  2. did they install new coax or did they use existing coax?
  3. What about GEX? I remember playing in the tanks that were in the parking lot.
  4. He craps lightning and walks on water, but didnt enter the draft last year.
  5. There used to be one here, (Broward County) and you could even get Molson Golden. Sadly they are out of business. However, the Quarterdeck has great wings.
  6. Apparantley Bernie was a little too philanthropic. One of the reasons his wife divorced him. Toss in alimony and there you have it.
  7. Yesterday, I could not spell: student. Now, I are one.
  8. 30 days? Gosh I wish I was a professional athelete.
  9. Shouldn't "his" new last name be boner and not bono?
  10. I find no teeth and a moustache sexy. Oh, and a flat head so you have somewhere to rest your dtink.
  11. Basically there to keep radioactive dust/ etc, out of their hair. Then they get disposed of.
  12. the police here are claiming that dogs are killing the cats. Dogs dont surgically eviscerate and/or skin cats.
  13. DTV seems willing to negotiate if you've been a long time customer.
  14. BOHICA Drain the pool, clean it and start from scratch. Once you get it going its easy to maintain. Also, if you have low pressure check the impeller in the pump, sometimes they get clogged.
  15. I posted first, so bite me. OK maybe I didnt. The other post must have been well down the page. So bite me.
  16. Found dead in Bangkok Thailand. Cause of death ranges from Natural causes to suicide. I'm sure there will be more later.
  17. With reagrds to the black box, i doubt they'll ever find it. Not only is it at a depth of anywhere from 7,000 to 14,000 feet, they managed to crash pretty much on top of the mid-atlantic ridge. The topography of the ocean floor at the crash site resembles a mountain range. Toss in the fact that the floor is constantly shifting/moving with the new crust constantly forming, it'll be a stroke of pure luck to find the black box. The crust moves at best about 1/2 in per year. The "black" box has a battery lifespan of about 30 days.
  18. Go to the Burn notice web site. Welcome home Fiona.
  19. skeleton walks into a bar and says: "Give me a beer and a mop" Horse walks into a bar- bartender says: "Why the long face?"
  20. I could not agree more. How about Fantastic Voyage though? I thought it was pretty darn faithful to the book.
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