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Everything posted by dib

  1. she looks like she was beaten with an ugly stick.
  2. In the paper this morning (Scum Sentinel) they were making allusions to the Fins going undefeated when their pre-season was 3-3. And so it begins.
  3. I dont care, as long as they sweep the Dolfelons.
  4. I've never enjoyed being called a 'boob' more.
  5. It would seem that some Bills fans are more interested in Rose colored glasses than sunglasses.
  6. and I'm supposed to take advice from you?
  7. He only had one? This is precisely why I stay away from open flames when I eat Broccoli.
  8. Sure, T.O. will be 40 yards downfield and T.E. will be on his back with 2 DT's and a linebacker on top of him. Will T.O. make the line play better too?
  9. I try drinking from those cans too. So far nothing.
  10. Go wander around William and Mary while you're there. While at the gunsmith shop I asked how much the musket was that was hanging on the wall. The answer- 7,000$. I think it's still hanging there.
  11. My razr was stolen, I washed my samsung, I have a POS replacement phone until October. I'm thinking I-phone. Anybody have the yea/nay, nuts and bolts on the I phone. I invite your advice/opinions
  12. if they get rid of the current hockey announcers I'm all in
  13. I guess I'll have to take that route, getting a little tired of BOHICA.
  14. I was contemplating upgrading Sunday ticket to HD, partly because I firmly believe the non-HD transmission is purposely sh*tty. Given the curent state of the Bills I wonder if the added expense is worth the trip. I've already tried to talk "that company" into giving it to me for free, seeing as how newbies get the HD upgrade for Sunday ticket, (being a 10 year subscriber) but basically it was a no-go.
  15. Hurricane Andrew devastates South Florida
  16. I dont blame Edwards for wanting to shortarm the ball. With the Bills Ole' offensive line he has no time. Time for screens, draws, playaction passes. Anything to get Edwards out of the maelstrom.
  17. “Aaron has an elbow and it may keep him out for a little while here,” said Jauron. see thats the problem, I have 2 elbows
  18. I wonder if she made him do it until he got it right?
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