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Everything posted by dib

  1. Florida plays Troy? TROY! Another cupcake. Who's next? Our Lady of Perpetual Motion?
  2. Hurry, send tourists there before it's too late!
  3. Hugh Hefner (older than dirt) divorced his 47 year old playmate wife. They've been estranged since the '90s. How much Viagara does that bastage have to take anyway?
  4. Fool me once shame on you Fool me twice and shame on me.
  5. Gosh, another movie remake of a tv show. I wonder when they'll make a movie of Romper Room. Who would play me?
  6. if he did say that it's time to cancel my sunday ticket
  7. the things that go better with coke
  8. normally i dont go in for this sort of thing..........................
  9. I dont see the glass as half full or half empty, I see it as broken.
  10. Miami was supposed to be 0-1 Tuesday morning.
  11. Canes are back in the top 20. I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts-G.T. is next. Their running game scares me.
  12. If you liked BoB you should read 'Pegasus Bridge' also by Ambrose.
  13. I'd have to say the Panther is my number 2. If the Germans had concentrated on mass producing the Mk4 who knows how things would have turned out. The Tiger Ausf B would punch holes in just about anything the allies could throw at it, of course the US could expend 3-4 Shermans so the 5th could attempt a rearshot.
  14. I love tanks My favorite from WW2 PZKW6 The dreaded Tiger.
  15. Tell me about it. My daughter is 21 and my son is applying to colleges. Don't blink it goes so fast
  16. Buffalo lost to Detroit and it's not even Thanksgiving!
  17. All the best. Welcome to the club. It's the hardest job you'll ever love.
  18. I guess I was a little too far over the 'top'
  19. On second thought this may not be a bad thing- no more sydney crosby love fests
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