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Everything posted by dib

  1. We have a much better shot at the ACC title than UM does. Thats because Miami has a more difficult schedule.
  2. been there. it still hurts. Don't let him/her go alone. Think of it this way, you gave the cat that much extra time by rescuing it.
  3. I get squat down here unless it involves the Dolfelons.
  4. If you're going to fire him, spell his name correctly.
  5. I have to listen to Jimmy Cefalo laughing about the Bills loss, on the radio. Jimmy, did you watch the Dolfelon game?
  6. can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Do the DE's EVER crash inside. I got sick of watching them form a natural pocket via their pass rush. Maybe a little tighter coverage so an opposing team doesnt walk down the field AGAIN How "Tom" (Tom this tom that tom this tom that) play football with Jaworski firmly attached to his @ss? Penalties? I've always believed that discipline is a reflection of coaching. Do the math. Nice job fast freddy and alex. Other than that, I'll be p!ssed all day.
  7. well if you're talking waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay southtowns, I prefer Roman Oven. Strombolis to die for.
  8. Unless he's on a boat he'd be flying the flag at half staff.
  9. ah, what a week-end. ND lost, Dolfelons lost, now if only the Bills can pull one out.
  10. Listening to a sports call in show. Fans are blaming everything and everyone for the loss. Sounds kind of familiar.
  11. Everyone should print that out and whipe their arses with it today. I am going to do so. arent you afraid of papercuts?
  12. Kid's name wasnt oedipus was it?
  13. And not knowing if there were more planes out there..... I live 20 minutes from Fort Lauderdale Airport and i think it was more eerie to NOT having planes in the air. It was spooky.
  14. 40 I have socks older than that. Happy Birthday.
  15. I heard about the first plane and thought it was something light like a Piper, or a Cesna. I saw the second one and was in numb disbelief for the rest of the day.
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