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Everything posted by dib

  1. Her presence is cancelled by Rosie O'Donnel
  2. anywhere else i can see this I'm blocked at work
  3. I skimmed this quickly,this has to be for the PC right?
  4. OK, not a movie, but the theme from Band of Brothers?
  5. So when does the SFL begin? The Street Football League.
  6. Ah, Thus Sprach Zarathustra The docking scene with the Blue Danube playing in the background was briliant
  7. As R. Lee Ermy would say: "There will be consequences" The little felons should cut his grass and snowblow his drive for a year.
  8. Hurricanes you Maroon. Georgia Tech, wreck get it?
  9. Maimi 33 Georgia Wreck 17. It wasnt that close. Just thought you'd want to know.
  10. Casablanca: As Time Goes By 300 Spartans: The Spartan March Magnificent 7: Main Theme
  11. "Conan, What is good in life?" "To crush your enemies, to see them scatter before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women."
  12. He's Greek. Why doesnt he just get himself a sheep?
  13. he cr@ps lightning and farts thunder. Well, at least against Troy anyway.
  14. Breakfast on my Bills plate, Bills plasticware, Bills coffee cup Bills shirt for church come home, inflate the 8 foot Bills guy, get out the Bills animated characters,pick the proper Bills jersey, put on my Bills sneakers. Tune to sunday ticket. Eat wings and/or beef on weck wash it down with Loganberry and/or Beam and coke Halftime take of my Bills sneakers, walk around the house and complain disgustedly. Bills win-jersey goes in the closet, Bills lose jersey goes into the laundry.
  15. One week into the season and I'M unhappy. Lost the game, lost Poz.
  16. Christian blow up doll- you blow it up Terrorist blow up doll- it blows itself up
  17. Speaking of Adolph, here's a Marvism. Why didnt Hitler win WW2? He couldnt win on the road. At my son's football games I have the announcer say "When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us."
  18. That joke is so old that it farts dust
  19. Where do you get virgin wool from? Ugly sheep
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