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Everything posted by dib

  1. I remember when i lived in Buffalo we'd watch shows coming out of Canada. Their censors were much more liberal. THe same idea I guess with BBC America. BTW I miss torchwood.
  2. Thank you very much. I'll be here all the veek. Tip the waitresses.
  3. Get it right you wanker, It's U. Miami. The "U" Miami U is in Ohio btw, it's 'parrots.'
  4. I'm just happy (crossing his fingers) that the Atlantic has been relatively quiet so far.
  5. Temperature here is expected to go all the way down to 90 degrees.
  6. Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightfull let it go, let it go let it go wait. Never mind.
  7. I like when the robot has a pumpkin for a head. So bite me.
  8. like the song says "Deck the balls with boughs of holly" Wait. Never mind.
  9. Owens- 3 catches total 53 yards. 1 catch 43 yard 2 catches 5 yards each then he has the cojones to strut the sidelines like a Bantam rooster
  10. and Dierdork comes out with "Tommy threw a good pass" or some such BS. Tommy? really? Tommy? It was sickening enough listening to "Tom" last monday night, now he's a little boy with a skinned knee? Thank God no one called Kelly-Jimmy. How can Brady play with so many announcers attached to his buttocks.
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