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Everything posted by dib

  1. I would have shot him 17 times. Why 17? That's all the ammo I had in my Glock.
  2. fool me once shame on you. fool me twice shame on me. fool me for 3 years shame on Ralph.
  3. I'm all for getting rid of Jauron, but I think the money could have been better spent, like giving it to St. Judes childrens hospital.
  4. i would do myself before i did her.
  5. Dont feel bad, the Dolfelons have been whoring themselves by selling off bits of the ownership to celebrities and performers.
  6. Kind of like genital herpes. The gift that keeps on giving.
  7. Is she starring in a remake of 'Conan the Barbarian'?
  8. As long as it doesnt mutate into Captain Trips.
  9. I would trade TO for a can of tuna
  10. The first penalty call was made in Spanish at the Jets/Felons game.
  11. #2 had plastic surgery and still looks like that The woman called Edit, looks like Ilsa the She-wolf
  12. I'm doing better than the Bills. I havent had a single false start called on me yet.
  13. Absolutely. She'd never be the same afterward.
  14. any paratrooper than jumped on D-Day Leonidas of Sparta Tom Clancy
  15. play calling and scouting. Like the Duke of Wellington said at Wterloo "They came at us in the same old way and we killed them in the same old way" The announcers for Sundays game were calling plays before the Bills ran them. There is no ingenuity on this team. No plays setting up other plays, my God try something different- anything.
  16. Not to worry, with our devastating pass rush we wont need Linebackers.
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