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Everything posted by dib

  1. Because obviously it was the teacher's fault she didnt learn anything. I say we blame firemen for fires.
  2. Nazi ghost gangs at the end of the world.
  3. No, he was a Marine pilot and part of the cactus air force.
  4. UB football and Sabres Hockey all in the same night a bonanza!
  5. My dad was in the China Burma India theatre My father in law was in amongst other places-Guadalcanal
  6. Few Americans today, and probably no-one under 30, realize we were the 17th rated military in the world at the time of the Pearl Harbor attack. most people under 30 probably couldnt tell you who the United states fought.
  7. a little girl goes to the barber for her first haircut. sitting in the chair she looks around while eating a twinkie. The barber says "You're going to get hair on your twinkie" The little girl replies: "Yes and I'm going to get boobies too"
  8. boinking boys. shrimps on the barbie.
  9. Charley Weiss? Surely you jest. There are a lot of pro coaches cooling their heels out there. Call them first.
  10. espn news and NFl Channel reporting the cancelation of the 7-9 show
  11. have they added: physicality, athleticism, and trickeration yet?
  12. I'm relieved, now I can start dating christians.
  13. Lets not forget Cheektowaga Central plays in the semi-finals for the state championship on saturday
  14. Maybe he was inquiring if Wilson wanted to come over for a boink?
  15. If you wait a few weeks the Bills store will practically be giving things away.
  16. The announcers were once again predicting the Bills offensive plays-correctly.
  17. We have those little bastages (#10) all over the place here, I was bitten by one clearing brush and had to have a series of shots in my buttocks. Had an Alligator in the canal behind my house once, called the game warden and he replied "No you don't" Odd, I have the gator on tape.
  18. as long as i dont have to strap a board across my butt.............................
  19. My son finished his senior season of football with a 7-4 record. Last night they held the opposing team to a total of 7 yards of offence, winning 26-0.
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