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Everything posted by dib

  1. As for your whining about the Canes -- You must be so proud of you sympathy f*** of a bowl.
  2. This is all so tragic because I'm sure Elin married Tiger for love.
  3. I'd rather have a QB that gets p!ssed at a loss, rather than one that cries and needs his head rubbed. BTW Thanks Bobby you and your 6-6 seminoles for screwing the Canes out of the Gator Bowl. If you had any nads you'd turn down the bowl.
  4. yes, but since it's coming from China it will probably corrode your pipes.
  5. SO you're saying that I shouldnt have unbuttoned her blouse?
  6. We should beat the chefs. I cant see losing to a bunch of cooks.
  7. During the superbowl years there were relatively few injuries.
  8. there is an up side, if the plane lands in the water you can float on the fat people.
  9. I feel a little sorry for the poor SOB trying to get in on the action and is getting pushed away
  10. reminds me of something I saw in the keys. Guy had a t-shirt that said: Breast exams- small breasts 5$, medium breasts 10$, Large breasts- free
  11. and because of the Bobby Bowden sympathy f**k, the Hurricanes, with a better record and a victory over FSU, will probably be screwed out of the Gator Bowl. Thank You Bobby, you senile old SOB.
  12. Obama added that there will be no more fat people in 18 months, he just doesnt know how yet.
  13. the lap dance would rapidly become a pole dance
  14. contrary to popular opinion Tebow does not crap lighting and fart thunder.
  15. No versus. Thanks (#@&$^$( loads dtv, you sure showed them
  16. before you know it, Iran, Iraq, and all the 'stans will ban hot chocolate in retaliation.
  17. A 'form' of meat. What's the big deal? Taco Bell has been doing this for years.
  18. Do they still sell fried Bologna and onions at the Ralph?
  19. Must be nice to be in control of your own country.
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