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Everything posted by dib

  1. they called him Bat, Bat Masterson. sleep well.
  2. Our tree has been up since the saturday after Thanksgiving
  3. Thank You 'Cuse. My two favorite teams are the Hurricanes and anyone that plays the Gators.
  4. Is that a picture of the man or the woman? Maybe she just wanted to tenderize the steak.
  5. I'd have them make a 'me' sandwhich.
  6. I also highly recommend Bergerud's "Fire in the Sky" and "Touched with Fire" (http://www.amazon.com/Eric-M.-Bergerud/e/B000AP9AEM/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_8?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1260373757&sr=1-9), about the air and land wars, respectively, in the South Pacific. At Dawn We Slept. Midway Sea of Thunder I still say the U.S knew what was coming at Pearl.
  7. Yes, first choice, he has it 'narrowed' down to "Something in the medical field"
  8. Did you ever notice how many ex-Buffalo players, regardless of the sport, shine after leaving Buffalo?
  9. Florida State. I dont know what I did wrong. I tried to raise him right.
  10. . Not to mention that rather significant payback of the firebombing of Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.... Nagasaki and Hiroshima were left relatively untouched so as to more accurately determine the effects of fat man and little boy.
  11. You're right. I yield. I always thought the Porsche turret was more elegant.
  12. I'd get it but I'd be afraid that it would keep breaking.
  13. You are forgetting the Porsche turret designed for the King Tiger.
  14. Guess the returning vets had something more than mom's apple pie on their mind. The japanese forced Korean, Chinese, and probably other nationalities of women into prostitution- called them comfort women,
  15. One of the houses in my neighborhood always had a herd of those reindeer wooden cut outs. One morning too of the deer had been positioned so that they being 'very friendly'. They havent put the reindeer up since.
  16. ND has about 30 coaches on staff.I/m sure one of them could have taken over. So since the Bills head coach was fired now the Bills dont have a coach?
  17. At least Notre Dame had the class to turn down a bowl bid they didnt deserve. BTW You couldnt get into Miami.
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