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Everything posted by dib

  1. You'd need an electronic spike in the heart, then a burial at a crossroads.
  2. He (it?) was so big I photographed him (it). I figure it's a male in his mating 'plummage'.
  3. I have an orange (yes orange) Iguana on the golf course behind my house. He's 5 feet if he's an inch. Wonder if he made it through the cold.
  4. Mostly, thanks Bama for kicking the Gators out of the hunt.
  5. See if you can get to Keys Fisheries for a meal
  6. I'm all grown up but still fascinated by nipples.
  7. wait, there's 30 seconds of my life I wont get back.
  8. If he was serious he would have slit his wrists longitudinly
  9. Where the rubber hit the road? I thought the rubber.............................
  10. I say Alabama dismantles Texas.........35-13 Tckets for the game are going for 300-10,000$ on stub hub
  11. She looks like she was hit in the face with an ugly stick
  12. I like cold weather and t-shirts
  13. I got a great deal on previous 24 seasons at Target, I'm slowly catching up and cant wait for the premier.
  14. I guess no one from Somalia was rejected.
  15. Unless Cowher is creating a tremendous snow job he wont be coaching next year.
  16. I've looked into it. It's very expensive and requires multiple sets of CD's. Whether it works or not I cant vouch for that.
  17. It won't be over till it's over, over there.
  18. I was flipping back and forth between the Dolfelon game and the Bills game. I noted to my wife that while the weather here was gorgeous the stadium was nearly empty, while in Buffalo it was 3/4 full.
  19. people are b!tching about how cold it is. I'm watching the Bills game, now THAT'S cold.
  20. I miss Sabres hockey Thank you *&%$%$%^$%# versus. Congrats Ryan USA USA USA USA
  21. I just finished "One Second After" by William Forstchen Essentialy it's about the aftermath of an EMP attack on the US. I highly recommend it.
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