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Everything posted by dib

  1. oopsie 2 mistakes. agent identifies the weapon fired at the helicopter as a 'stinger' It was an RPG Bauer puts a magazine into his pistol, and racks it. Then he pulls the trigger, you can hear the click. Other than that.....................woohooh
  2. Ever see a ploice involved shooting on tv? 45 markers for cartridge casings all over the place and the bad guy is hardly scratched.
  3. The best ever in the entire history of college football? I dont think so Tim.
  4. down heyah in the de-ap south, i get to keep my 30 round magazines
  5. Is it offensive to Angel-Americans?
  6. maybe it was a .22? .223 would have done some damage to the car. ak-47 would have torn it up pretty good too.
  7. I've been to the Mangos in Ft. Lauderdale. I reccomend the seafood lasagna.
  8. good thing you didnt say "Yellow Journalsim"
  9. It will never happen because it's good for the Bills
  10. How does she fit her testicles in those tight shorts
  11. how many goals has he scored? He's no good in the penalty box leaving the sabres shorthanded.
  12. I shouldnt drink on work nights.
  13. So Captain Obvious gets paid for writing what we have known for years?
  14. ghosts give head? no reason to be frightened anymore
  15. gives new meaning to the phrase: "I'll be back"
  16. She doesnt look like she's from this planet
  17. 'm glad that Canadians like more than their cars topless
  18. you're looking this up because.....................?
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