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Everything posted by dib

  1. 35$ for parking, 10$ for domestic beer. The game looked like a flag football game. It was fun to see all the different jerseys, but then when all the booze starting hitting it was a lot of "XXXXX sucks" Ran into some Bills fans and some Bills fans ignored us and walked right by. If by some chance you're going to the superbowl, ge there as early as you can as ALL of the parking adjacent to the stadium has been blocked off. Part of the crowd control plan is to have Disney style lanes set up. All the lanes are hugely advertising snickers. Was there a free snickers to be found? Nope. What was worst of all? No Bills on the field.
  2. I dont care as long as they have a trunk monkey ad.
  3. I feel a small tear in my eye. More and better to come.
  4. I dont know, I would trade Buffalo weather for Hurricane season
  5. I'm going to get there early and tailgate, I'll have my white Kelly jersey on if anyone is going.
  6. I guess I forgot about what a massive manhunt there must have been. If they ever catch the SOB I have some suggestions as to his disposal. I have a daughter in college as well.
  7. The farmer saw a skull and immediatly thought "Morgan" kind of odd?
  8. Lake Winnipeasaukee?! I was one of a litter of 6, nyuk nyuk nyuk
  9. I've been able to see night/day launches from my backyard, and they're awesome. This is from 200+ miles away, so I can only imagine how they are up close and personal.
  10. Has Jackson ever played a role other than an angry bl.... er.... African American?
  11. Why didnt he just lay hands on himself and say "Devil Come Out!"
  12. Did you notice that with one exception they're built in the U.S.
  13. they should have kicked her off while the plane was in the air.
  14. and you're putting this out in public?
  15. Great, because we need another busted @ss over the hill player living off of his rep.
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