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Everything posted by dib

  1. I know how you feel, I have to cut the grass this week-end
  2. Mom and Dad couldnt help him learn how to hold a pencil? My new job- Shoelace therapist
  3. Once a year there is a fly in of WW2 bombers here, vets always show up, and it's always fascinating. One of the vets had his original Bomber jacket on, I cant remember the name of the aircraft, but I couldnt take my eyes off of the nose art on the jacket.
  4. If you like Band of Brothers, then read the Book by Ambrose. Also read 'Biggest Brother' A Winters biography by Larry Alexander. Pegasus Bridge is also worth a read (British Para and the Orne river bridge) I've read 'The Filthy 13' but I guess it didnt make much of an impression on me.
  5. the killer whale (actually a porpoise) derives it's name from when ancient seafarers observed the Orca killing whales, so the name Whale Killer stuck. Orca probably derives from Orcus a ferocious Roman God
  6. I've been to the tomb of the Unknowns. It's chilling,and humbling. BTW thanks for the avatar and signature. I still languish in persecution.
  7. I sort of figured you were a yankee, going to the beach in this weather. There are some nice beaches here and around Sebastion Inlet. Enjoy, If I can help with pointers, sites, etc. let me know
  8. I wouldnt do it justice, I'll ask her and then post it later or tomorrow
  9. , if I may say, would put up against any other out there. I would stack up my wife's chicken wing burger against you any day.
  10. What is the sound of one hand............................................................................ ..............................clapping
  11. You sure? 70% chance of rain today and in the 60's tomorrow
  12. What are those big yellow snowflakes and why havent you lost your avatar priveldges?
  13. I have a feeling that some people here type with one hand.
  14. Nobody knows the trouble I've seen....................
  15. Cr@p I just threw that one out.
  16. Hard to beat fresh Dolphin, or grouper.
  17. Draconian adj. extremely severe or cruel
  18. Execute him 471 times. execute him, revive him x 471
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