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Everything posted by dib

  1. What am I supposed to do now? No Vikings tonight. Can't breathe, every...........thing.............getting...........di.........................
  2. small switch on the left hand side, make sure its in the up position
  3. I know colleges set aside sections for visiting teams. I'm wondering if pro teams do the same. My son and I want to go to the Bills game in Miami, but we'd rather sit among other Bills fans. I've tried the Bills and Dolphin organizations but so far no luck.
  4. Dr. says: "You gonna die" old joke.
  5. My submission- "Tail wagging the dog elementary."
  6. I have an untorn ticket , and coin from the very first game at Rich
  7. what do you call a dog with no legs? doesn't matter, he wont come
  8. I cant believe the movie remake, or the new soundtrack could possibly rival the original.
  9. Anybody ever have Blanton's Bourbon? I've read the reviews but I'm looking for a "boots on the ground" review.
  10. Two friends were having a discussion. 1st friend- "My sex life is kind of boring. 2nd friend-"Have you tried rodeo sex?" 1st friend-"Rodeo sex?" 2nd friend-"Let me explain. When you and your wife are getting intimate, fondle her breast and tell her it feels like her sisters'. Then try and hold on for 8 seconds."
  11. Where do these girls work? IHOP
  12. I'll bet he's stuffed.
  13. So that's what happened to Trigger.
  14. What exactly is a "mid season finale"? Thats it for this year?
  15. I think that's disgusting. They should......huh? What was I saying?
  16. Actually, no. The volume of water is too small to be deflected by the coriolis force.
  17. Oh God, now what will she do?
  18. It should be left alone and pristine and not turned into a garbage dump like Everest, et. al.
  19. Castle of despair?
  20. I went to EPCOT Paris once.
  21. I was worried, I let him out and he didn't come home for a day and a half.
  22. It wasn't an invasion, it was a liberation.
  23. Lets send a copy of Von Clausewitz to Ragnar.
  24. Whats with the Aslaug,Floki,Harlbad (?) supernatural manage a trois? Also, maybe Ragnar could use a military advisor. Damn crossbows.
  25. I bet it goes well with seafood.
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