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Everything posted by Bear

  1. I figured this was a joke until you bumped it... First off, the Jets need Quincy as much as we would. They didn't have a bunch of injuries, but after losing Vinny they have a bunch of Zolman's behind Chad. Second, are you actually suggesting that if we had a #1 pick next year we use it for a backup QB?
  2. Here is the one I have been using this year. I bit more than top ten at each position, but more is better, right? Pretty Good for Free
  3. For a 12 Man league you are looking pretty good. With your pick, you could expect Marivin Harrions, but I can't believe Portis slipped that far. I haven't seen him go past 5 yet. You have at least one top talent at every position, and in a 12 man league that doesn't alwasy happen.
  4. Okay, I KNOW this sounds like a freaking broken record....BUT How can you possibly say a rookie WR has been a dissapoitment after 3 pre-season games. It's insane....even when you put the "so far" at the end. The only way Evans could be a dissapointment is if he caught a pass and ran it back the wrong way to other teams endzone....TWICE!
  5. I think Odonell would be perfect. A veteren who won't have a lot of trouble learning the playbook. Someone who can come in and not lose the game for us. Also, after being handed around the league for a while, he won't have any delusions about his place on the team.
  6. I'm with you. I think ABC deserves to lose it. They have made bad decision after bad decision. I"m not sure how much input they have on game start time, but I bet they could get it started an hour earlier if they really wanted to. They spend too much time trying to figure out how to get ratings instead of focusing on football...which is how to get ratings!
  7. Exactly. Not to say that the NE O-line isn't good....they have proven that they are. But if there is ONE coach in the league you do not show how you're defense really matches up against his Offense, it's BB.
  8. Yes....That was my point.
  9. I think you are missing the point....
  10. At least we don't have to worry about them killing us twice this year. We have the same record playing against pretty equally talented teams.
  11. I didn't mean to say we don't need any work. Every team in the league still needs work, we are no exception. 1. MW got burned? Okay, it was still only once. Working against Freeney that is, IMO, a good showing. 2. Again I say Willis is not ready to play full time. A RB can not wait for a big hole to open up, especially against a defense like Indy. They are a fast defense that swarms the ball. They don't bowl people over, but given a few seconds their speed gets them into position. Yes, I think Henry would have done better. He hits holes fast and hard. He can break the first tackle and get extra yards. You simply cannot judge the line play by how Willis did. 3. When was the last time you saw a number 1 CB returning punts? From what I've heard, MM has had many people returning punts and KO's during the camp. In game two, Clements wasn't back there returning punts. I think it was that rookie Freddie Whatever. But, maybe I"m wrong. Maybe Clements will be back there. If that's the case, I trust MM that he is the best guy to do it, and this was just an off game for him. I forgot to put in my first post (under the bad heading) that the starting O hasn't scored yet. This is a HUGE problem. I'm with the people here who think it isn't so much the X's and O's, or the talent that is the problem, but all the little things that keep popping up. Penalties, a blown flea flicker, a fumble. Added up these are all big problems that have to be fixed, but at least they are fixable. If it was the fact that we had no talent on the team I would be much more worried. I pray that in the nex two weeks this team can get it's collective head out of it's ass and start paying attention to those details.
  12. OLine: Is it just me or did the starters only allow 1 sack against Bledsoe? Where exactly is the horrible Oline play coming from? The running game? See below... WM: Our BACKUP runningback, who is coming off major knee injury, didn't hit the holes with authority. Who would of thunk it? I wish everyone would stop freaking out about WM....our BACKUP RB. BTW, our BACKUP RB, who is coming off of a major knee injury, ended up with 3.6 yrds per carry against a very fast Indy D. Did I mention that he is our BACKUP RB who is coming off a major knee injury? GET A GRIP PEOPLE!!! BLEDSOE: 11/19 117 yards, NO INT'S, 1 sack! The one sack came off an all out blitz on third down! It happens. As far as I'm concerned this was a good showing. DEFENSE: Am I the only one that noticed a safety pick off Manning? TWO Int's against Manning last night....got to love it. If it wasnt' for the screwed up plays which resulted in the best field position Indy could have ever asked for, the Defense would have looked like all-stars last night. Not allowing a third down conversion until scrubs were in. Good job. They still need to work on stopping the running backs mid-field insead of waiting for them to get in field goal range before tightening up. Too many big gains by the RB's. As of right now this is my only concern with the D. Of course, with R. Williams gone from Miami, Corey Dillon looking like crap, and C. Martin getting older, the AFC East RB situation went downhill quick. SPECIAL TEAMS: Horrible play by the special teams. One good thing, Mularkey is testing things out. I'll bet my paycheck Clements isn't in there returning punts during regular season. Still, overall this was just bad. The blocked punt was pathetic, the dropped punt was bad, the 84 yard return made me sick! There is no excuse, and this needs to be fixed. The Defense can not be expected to do much with field position like that. INJURIES: Yep, they sucked. Vincent will be okay (Karma bit him in the ass), Lawyer out for a bit (at least Coy had the pick last night), and then there is our BACKUP QB!!! Look people, does anyone else remember how bad Travis Brown is???? Is it just me???? He always looks like a competent backup....until the season starts and he has to play in a game. Why does everyone forget this every single season? The fact is, losing TB means Donahoe is going to have to go out and sign another backup QB is going to suck just as much. Losing TB last night means absolutely nothing to me......at all. A couple points about the game: It's fuggin pre-season! Clements won't be returning punts. MM won't be calling flea-flickers in the middle of a great looking drive to put us ahead. Indy won't be going for it on 4-3 from their own 40-something yard line in the second quarter when they have the lead! Mike Williams looked good! Trey Teague too! Freeney only got through once....thats good news! WHAT REALLY HAPPENED LAST NIGHT PEOPLE?
  13. Before more cuts are made: Josh Booty Seth Burfurd Henry Burris Scott Covington Chad Hutchinson Rob Johnson Matt Kegel Zack Kustok Shane Matthews Scott McMullen Preston Parsons Chris Redman Scott Rislov Akili Smith Phil Stambaugh Tom Woodbury That folks, is one hell of a list!
  14. Whoo....For a split second I thought Lenny P was DEAD!
  15. I'm thinking about getting a grill with a deep fryer on it for this years Sundays. I remember people talking about them here, but with the search disabled I can't find the posts. Whose got em and what do you think?
  16. Oh no, the sky is fal....wait. Rudy? **THUD**
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