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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Looks like it's confirmed... Link
  3. Who the hell would make that trade?
  4. I honestly hope Holcomb has a horrible pre-season...maybe an early injury that heals in time for week 1 or 2. If people don't get the chance to see him play, maybe they'll forget about him.
  5. I was actually saying that for the third movie...which was also my favorite one by far. Great movie...but at the end I was "JUST GET ON THE DAMN BOAT ALREADY!!!!" Great in the theatre, but better now at home. I've watched it a few times since it came out and I think it's better evey time. The special features (although also about 3 hours long per movie) made them even better!
  6. I have both, one on each hand. Guess that means I even out.
  7. I agree. I'm really surprised by this...and I love it! I think Holcomb could be a starter under the right circumstances. 1 need down.
  8. You just totally blew the whole rhyming thing.
  9. So how do you think they decided which male inmates play the female inmates?
  10. I think Martin only sticks around 2 more years tops, so it really isn't a bad deal. Blaylock will carries, and have the inside track on the starting job when Martin calls it quits.
  11. I also remember you saying Shelton wouldn't be had for less than a first...this year or next. You even said Henry plus a first IIRC. Still think that?
  12. The salary cap hurts that statemtent a bit. I think a lot of the name players would be kept by there teams if they could afford it. Much like Jonas and Pat. I will say that I think a lot of players are overated due to the fact that their success is often directly related to the particular system they play in and the other players around them. Jeff Posey is a good example of this. He played much better in the 3-4 than he has in the 4-3. You can also look at a lot of recent Bills FA's that have failed when they have gone to new teams. When all is said and done, players would be able to have much better careers if they just stayed with the teams that made them famous. Of course for them, the main reason to play that well is to get the highest pay day possible, so...
  13. Granted there are players out there who are overhyped, but for the most part "name" players are "name" players for a reason.
  14. I agree, and that's why I said earlier that I'm not freaking out yet. There is still time to bring people in. I think my problem right now is that there has been no news about ANYONE being contacted or brought in. I know very well that doesn't mean we aren't talking to anyone, it just makes it harder to keep my cool. Even if we talked to someone that signed elsewhere I would know they are TRYING.
  15. I wan't just talking about this thread....or just today.
  16. Sigh... The problem with that is that V was one of the better guards available last year, and he was signed on the first day of FA...not a few weeks in. I would agree on getting another player of his talent level, but it sure isn't going to happen in a couple of weeks.
  17. At this point I'm starting to agree with you. Although I still have "some" hope for the Shelton deal.
  18. Well, I don't think we are doomed if we don't bring in payer X, but I do think we will have some major problems if we don't bring in anyone. I see there is an increase in posts, after only 1 full day of FA, where people are thinking we can get it done without bringing people in. I disagree 100%. I'm also not freaking out yet, becuase I believe there is still time to do something about it. There are some simple facts staring me in the face right now: The Oline was not that good last year. Not horrible, but not that good. We have a first year QB starting now. We just lost our LT. We have made no moves (as far as we all know) to bring anyone in to fix it.
  19. So, your are stating that it is fact if he had come here he would have suffered the same iinjury?
  20. Both of our arguments are moot. I can't prove that adding one player would have made any difference, and you can't say that it worked out the way we did it. (since we didnt even make the playoffs) Either way, I don't understand why people are being trashed for wanting players brought in to help. Doesn't make sense.
  21. While I agree it is too much, it IS a seven year deal. I was expecting someone to overpay him by dishing out a 10mil bonus for 5 years. This isn't quite as much as I thought. About 3.5 mil a year base salary isn't too bad either. Yes, they paid too much, but I wouldn't have been surprised with more.
  22. I guess my point is that bringing in Bober to play center (as everyone thought he would last year at this time) would have helped our line last year. We could have moved teague outside and either Jennings or Williams inside. We don't all have to be scouts to realize that we need help on the line. The players that are reguarded as the best in their position (or at least the best at their position in FA) are of course the ones we will be vocally fighting for! What exactly is wrong with that? Those that said last year that if we didn't upgrade the line we were going to have problems were right. I believe the same will be true this year.
  23. What fact is that exactly?
  24. Does that change the fact that Bober would have helped the line last year?
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