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Everything posted by Bear

  1. I doubt it. Most people I play with do their research. If you look around at fantasy sites and check out rankings and mock drafts, McGahee is averaging right around 5. Even though he hasn't played that much, due to his injury and media coverage McGahee is a "name". There was also enough highlights of him last year to catch peoples attention. He won't be underestimated in real games or fantasy.
  2. Becuase of the situations of other players, I put him as #2. Alexander: Very unhappy in Seattle. I'd give him a tie at 2 or 3 Holmes: Great when he's in, but he's breakable. Jamal Lewis: Not getting too many reps down in Atlanta!
  3. Yahoo is taking registration for this years fantasy football.
  4. I agree with this statement when it comes to things such as civil rights, economy, security, etc... I've never understood it when talking about war. Knowing the history of war is not going to stop war in the future. It may change the way they are fought, but it won't change the reason they start. Seeing what happened in the camps in Germany may change the way we involve ourselves in war, but it's not going to change way wars start or who starts them. As far as that goes, it really doesn't matter if Joe Shmoe working in a cubicle somewhere knows how to fight a war. As long as the leaders on the ground know what they are doing, that's enough. I suppose you could make an argument that knowing the history of war could sway public opinion one way or the other, but since public opinion is (and always has been) so easily swayed by propaganda (government/media/PPP ) what the hell is the point?
  5. No links...personal knowledge. I know two 16 year old kids and one illegal alien who tried to get in. One guy from S. America tried to get into the AF. He was caught before he made much progress. Also deported. The two underage kids both tried for the Army. One was caught right away, the other one slipped through the cracks and was caught about two months into his training. These three cases are the ones that I personally know about...I'm sure there were many more. Of course this isn't the early part of the 20th century, so finding these people out is much easier. During that time investigators were very busy, so the kid that slipped through was no big surprise. But getting past the backround/security checks would be damn near impossible. The fact that there aren't a buch of 15 and 16 year olds in Iraq right now has more to do with computer records than it does with the declining spirit of America.
  6. Hey now...everyone looks a bit scary before that first cup of coffee.
  7. Talk about a bunch of snooty bastards. I'm a military/war buff. I like to read everything I can on the subject. I have stacks of books around my house that I can't fit in my bookcases about the subject. That said, I can't remember once in my life where knowing a lot about wars has had one impact on my everyday life. Not once have I ever HAD to know what started WWI. And knowing what started WWI has never and will never stop WWIII from happening. Is it good to know your history? I believe so. But for no other reason than I think it's a waste to let our past be forgotten. America is not going down the drain because kids don't know their history. It's going down the drain because of the adults who are running it, plain and simple. Oh, and JSP, there ARE kids who tried to get into the military illegally after 9/11 (and some who succeeded). Both because of age and because they illegal aliens (and I'm sure other reasons as well). Just because our beloved media hasn't decided to inform you of this doesn't mean it didn't happen. Man, I really wish I could go back to the good old days when everyone loved one another and everything was one great big Leave it to Beaver episode.
  8. I think we're talking about the two people OJ killed.
  9. My very early take: Moulds: Sadly, I think this will be his last year here. I can't see him making that much money, and I don't think he can see himself taking less. Reed: This all depends on both he and Parrish play this year. Can Parrish play number 2? Can Reed pull his head out of his ass? The bright side is he won't cost much to keep if they want him. Henry: Probably won't even be here THIS season. L. Smith/Bannan/Denney GONE Dorenbos and K. Thomas : should be able to brought back pretty cheap if TD/MM want them. R. Edwards and Teague: Will cost a bit more than the two above, but I think they will be brought back also. Teague will be 32 and won't get a bunch of money anywhere else. Edwards MIGHT be a bit tougher, but I think he'll be back. Shelton I think Shelton will be playing for a contract this year. I know he played very well last year, but when the season starts next year he will be turning 35. He won't get a long term deal, but if he plays at the same high level this year as last, I can see him coming back for maybe two more. Like Teague, his age will keep his price down. Clements: Who the hell knows...
  10. I was trying to order one, but they come up "non customizable".
  11. Normaly I would agree, but this time the comments make sense. That entire article was written as if it were talking about a team that should be making a push for the Super Bowl, and then ends in a prediction of 4-12. I'd be more willing to accept it if it trashed the team from top to bottom and claimed the same record. With the way that article was written, anything less than a 8-8 prediction just makes the whole thing seem stupid.
  12. I'll rephrase... It's not like they are missing out on something they want but can't get. I'll admit I did, and still do, think that a Travis for Shelton trade would have been a good move. But I'm also smart enough to know that I have no real clue about what's up with Shelton right now. I'm not a bow down and kiss McNally's butt kind of guy, but I will trust him, and the other coaches, on this one. At least until Shelton proves them wrong on the field this year.
  13. This whole argument makes no sense. The simple fact is, the Bills don't want him. He came in, worked out, talked to the coaches, and was dismissed. Plain and simple. Who cares what he gets now? It's not like the Bills are missing out on something now.
  14. Married? I thought it was "merry". Great, now I have to watch it again....
  15. There's a better (more in depth) story on CNN.com. Apparently the kid didn't say anything about it being his mother in Iraq until later. He just flew off the wall on everyone until he was in the principals office. Even then he didn't expain anything right away. Sounds like the kid is an idiot to me.
  16. Absolutely insane! BTW, I prefer the Motorhead version!
  17. Minnesota had, IMO, the best offseason by far of any team. I'm not sure they have the coaching to bring it together, but if they can gel, they could win the NFC.
  18. The ignorant masses blowing something that they have no knowledge of out of proportion on the word of other people who have no idea what they are talking about?????.....Nah.
  19. This is an excellent thread.....and I haven't read a word!
  20. Under the bed.....bad. In the bed...good. Strange....
  21. Speaking of HxC....does THIS look familiar? Spooky...
  22. Ha...I'm watching it right now. Anyone else think "Scott's friends" that they keep showing in the audience are some high school girls he picked up at the mall? "Hey baby...wanna be on TV?"
  23. As long as you know you spelled it wrong... I'd hate AD to get to you first.
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