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Everything posted by Bear

  1. You scored drama nerd....didn't you.
  2. "High School Girls Gone Wild" It would sell millions!
  3. I agree with most of your questions, but I was just answering how the defense could be better despite having lost Williams. I would also add that depsite all the questions marks, the offense has the chance to be explosive. If McGahee, Evans, and Losman perform at the top of their potential instead of the bottom, we could have a great offense.
  4. Only because the cost of living has gone up. They DO have to support their families you know.
  5. So we have to have a Star Trek debate in every thread?
  6. Talking to anyone in particular, or just the voices in your head?
  7. See number 2 McGee has a year of starting under his belt. Clements is in a contract year. Kelsay improved on run support. Another year with the system/coaches in place.
  8. Yeah okay. I just thought it was funny...
  9. Give me a break. I don't believe the so called "facts" that you are using. I don't care if they are on a web site backed by God himself. They are inflated and wrong. You can use them all day long and in the end they add up to no more useful than an average BF post. If you want to pretend to have some first hand knowledge of the subject go ahead, but please don't tell me that your arguemnt is better because of what you read on a web site. You were in the military right? Can someone tell you they know everything that it was about because they saw Private Ryan? No. It's living it that gives you insight to the subject. Hell, I don't care one way or the other if they legalize pot or not, but at least I know something about it.
  10. How many less would that be if it were legal? I'm sure many of those people were told to go to rehab after being arrested for pot. Caffeine? Carbs? Sex? They can all be put into the same category as weed. Anyone can have a hard time quitting something they like. Hell, I remember when they blocked TSW at work. I was fidgeting for days. This reminds me of an anti drug commercial I saw once. I don't remember the exact number but it was something like, 2 out of every 10 people involved in accidents had used weed. I remember looking over at my friend when I heard that and saying "doesn't that mean that 8 out of every 10 people hadn't touched the stuff? People get killed in accidents for doing absolutely nothing wrong at all. Outlaw vehicles, then you'll stop the accidents.
  11. Well yeah, that was my point. You said the gov. wouldn't be controlling the price because companies would be selling it. But cigarettes are a pretty good example of how that isn't true.
  12. Not to take sides since I really don't care, but "competition" isn't doing a lot to keep the price of cigs down.
  13. VERY important position. I'm already planning on nabbing Travis Henry early!
  14. The only problem I have when people mention this whole "hot pocket" mentality thing is they usually point it torwards the younger generation. It seems to me EVERYONE has changed to that mentality. It is a sign of the times, not the age group.
  15. Even candy can't live up to the sublime utopia that was 1950. Shop around. You can still find excellent fudgesicles. As a matter of fact, you can still find pretty much anything you want. Or you could just B word about it.
  16. I have two, but they aren't even around anymore. One left and 1 was banned.
  17. He'd be ranked prett high...whichever team he left Buffalo for.
  18. Oh yes, this is what we all want. So much better to have grown up 30 or 40 years ago when a bad movie was never made. I'd make more of an argument, but my attention span has ceased and I can no longer concentrate on what I'm doing. WHY THE HELL ISN'T MY POP TART DONE YET?
  19. Just in case: If anyone drops their team this year, I'd like to jump in.
  20. Smith Draft
  21. I remember things a little differently. I remember everyone, especially the Browns who were either going to pick him or Couch, that he had the best physical weapons out of any QB in that draft. They took Couch because of his experience. Akili Smith had the tools, it just didn't happen.
  22. The Mags are out now. The season starts in just under 3 months. Wrong, right...who cares. At least it's SOMETHING.
  23. Whatever works, man. Whatever works.
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