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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Did you know you are allowed to run inside the 5 yard line?
  2. I believe it's called "BLING"
  3. So the announcing crews have their weekly Bruschi (We're not worthy!) butt kissing, and we have to have our weekly Brady love fest thread? This is getting sick.
  4. Kind of strange that the two worst in the league are in the same division..and leading that division.
  5. 2. Kevin Hardy That draft is all out of whack!
  6. Those were some amazing shots. Pretty cool.
  7. The move hurts Philly in the short term, but long term it is not only a good move for them, but for the league. I really, REALLY hope he gets paid less money next year.
  8. In the interest of correct scoring, if Bruschi (We're not worthy!) misses a big play and pumps his fists or claps his hands together in frustration, that is also considered a "hit". But my dream for tonight is that he can make another unbelievable missed tackle in the backfield. Damn, that was just awsome. AWSOME!!!
  9. There are many I can think of, but since it was talked about here recently I'll say Saw. I was expecting the same old same old, and was surprised that it actually had a bit of originality. That was the first movie in as long as I can remember where I didn't figure out the ending before it happened. That said, I haven't and probably won't see SawII. I'm sure they screwed that up.
  10. VOTE FOR Bruschi (We're not worthy!)!! That should keep it around a few more minutes.
  11. For the purposes of this poll, lets say USC and TX keep winning like they have been (pretty big), and Alabama squeaks by (7 or less) LSU AND Auburn. Should they be at least number 2? My opinion? They won't be able to take down both LSU and Auburn...especially with Auburn playing at home. BUT, if they do, they should be in the big game. I'm interested to see what everyone thinks becuase I think if that situation plays out, USC and TX are still playing when it matters.
  12. And that is absolute crap. I'm not a Bama fan, but right now they have earned the number 3 slot, and if USC, Texas and Alabama all won out, based on schedules it should be USC v. Alabama. Of course, it won't happen. The BSC is such total sh--. If they don't want playoffs, they should just get rid of the championship thing all together.
  13. Why does no one look around and see what's going on in the league? WHY is San Diego winning NOW? Because Brees developed into a starter while San Diego worked on the rest of the team! Why are so many people so willing to blow off what has happened to Palmer and Manning between last season and this one? Hell, even Orton is getting the chance to win games...well, he may not be winning them, but he's not losing them...which is exactly what most of us were looking for from Losman. Unfortunatly, our D is not stepping up like they should. This whole "todays NFL is won NOW, NOW, NOW" is a bunch of pop tart crap. The teams that are winning now are the ones who have built winning teams. They didn't just pop up after one FA pickup. As long as the lines aren't addressed and the coaching is subpar, this team will always be one year away.
  14. So you didn't want the second "We're not worthy"?? That's some funy stevestojan!
  15. We should have a pretty low pick, and that pick should be a LT. I don't really know, but from I hear everywhere there are lots of Olinemen available this year, and some very high talent ones for early round 1. LT in round 1. Guard, DT and depth for the lines over the next 4 picks. I think Preston moves to Center.
  16. Better than what we currently have? It's possible.
  17. Pfff...How pathetic would it be if it took this place a year to come back from a stroke???
  18. I think all the filters should be changed to Bruschi (We're not worthy!).
  19. AAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! Is there anything better than to listen to those three bastards stammer like that????
  20. I bet if Buffalo's RB dropped the ball after blowing a hamstring they would have praised Bruschi.
  21. Well, when that's all ya got...
  22. While the rest of the story is plently interesting , I think we just figured out why the Bills tend to fade late in the game.
  23. McGee is a good player, and he makes things happen when he has the ball, but he is an average corner. Yes, an awsome KR, but this love fest is a bit ridiculous. He does have a nose for the ball, but he also gets beat in coverage throughout the game.
  24. I don't know why everyone is so worried about NE having an extra week to prepare. What good will it do them if they don't know who our starting QB is?
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