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Probation (1/8)



  1. Yes, Brandon has done well. Definitely demonstrated recently with the trade for Benjamin, and the Darius and Boldin situations prove he has gotten a lot from his brother's book. He should come out with Brandon - Ball.
  2. McJeff - I spoke with the IT VP. Send your resume to the address I PM'ed you.
  3. I just PM'ed you. I saw your message. Will send more information hopefully later today.
  4. Not in Atlanta, but Norcross is probably close enough. Holcomb Bridge and Peachtree Industrial. A while back when you were looking I emailed you about the place I work. Still interested? I don't work in the IT department, but I'm pretty sure I can get you an interview with the IT VP.
  5. I found an English to Pig Latin translator on the web (www.snowcrest.net/donnellay/piglatin.html) . It would have taken me forever to translate without that.
  6. Code 885421 works. Thanks NJ_BillsFan!
  7. I believe a play called in the huddle by the QB in Sam Wyche's secret language would go something like this -- "OK guys listen up. Ouldsmay - ouyay ogay eepday. Evansway - ouyay ogay eepday. Ampbellcay - ouyay ogay aboutway evensay ardsyay andway urntay aroundway. Ethay estray ofway ouyay ockblay ouryay assesway offway osay Iway on'tday etgay illedkay."
  8. It's $199 for returning customers. The $219 is the "early bird" special for non-returnees. Plus the $99 for HD. DTV also fails to mention that most if not all, HD receivers can not handle the interactive features they are advertising as part of the $99 "superfan" package. There is the possiblity that an update will arrive before the start of the NFL season to change this, but at this time they are advertising something to HD customers that their receiver can't handle. I'm sure most HD viewers don't know that. Come the start of the season -- they will certainly find out on their own. That is when I suspect a lot of people which call and b**** -- if they haven't already. Plenzmd1 - I saw that you were on the tivocommunity board also.
  9. My brother is a Fulton County Sheriff who works as a bailiff in the same building this happened. He took Wednesday, Thursday and today off a vacation. He should probably buy a lottery ticket today.
  10. [email=http://www.heraldonline.com/local/story/4124708p-3890580c.html]http://www.heraldonline.com/local/story/4124708p-3890580c.html[/email] Look's like Rockhill is a little safer due to an officer stepping up to the plate.
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