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Captain America

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Everything posted by Captain America

  1. Ok I menat to say boy , and was the kid younger than a teenager ? :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  2. Congrats.Be advised that our military standard of living in combat is better than most citizens of the world live in.Every little bit helps. And you are right this has nothing to do with politics. These brave men and women are our relatives or neighbors
  3. Just remember its the troops that give us this freedom to do or not do.
  4. How about these dunces we call candidates .Support the Troops Send them a care package or a phone card God bless the USA
  5. Kerry shot teenage Vietnamese boys in the back and although no combat expereince Bush had 336 flights in a jet fighter . :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  6. Once again Komrade Kerry and his looney leftist followers fell into the trap .Do you honestly beleive that the Pentagon just happened to release this right now .You people are fools and the libbers fell for the swift boat scam and now they are now they are taking the bait for another fall
  7. You are going to start the best part. My babies baby started college Saturday(grandson)Time goes by fast and now its running out.
  8. This didnt take much thought , if WMD were not found we still gained a foot hold in that area of total animosity against the US .You say pick up the tab would you rather pick up the dead bodies of your loved ones on your own soil?You can put a price on your loved ones. What you and most people in this era dont understand is the word , sacrifice ,. Our children will be fighting this war on terrorism long after we are gone. I view this as a religious war although many Muslim lovers in this country do not. Like I said dont you think the Russians took a more pro active step against terrorism?
  9. Then I guess you think Saddam was a good guy.And although no WMD were turned up that Saddam was attempting to do so ? 70% of our citizens do not believe Saddam was behind 9/11.I,d be willing to bet that Putin had taken a more aggresive approach to terrorism. I have to go with what Bush stated when he sent to war wiht terrorism statring wiht the Taliban in Afaganistan.Bush stated to our citizens that there would be things we would see and understand ,things we would see and wonder why and things we would not see at all and this was all before Iraq. For me I would rather fight any scum on thier on turt than wait till they come here ....again.
  10. Well Peter If you knew where Osama was and could monitor all his activites would you capture him? ,or keep track of what he was doing or just kill him? Our present administration never made the claim that Saddam was the mastermind of 9/11,dont know where you got that from, and I dont think you know either.
  11. Times are tough ,Iwould switch for just about any of the opposite political beliefs or at least they would think I did .
  12. Darren Kagen!!!!! Way to go Rush, on the other hand she is too liberal for Rush now me ,being a conservative I,d do her I have no shame
  13. Well now there is a reliable source 'The Detroit Free Press'
  14. Kerry is a liar, he said the vice president called him un fit for duty The VP never said that, of course Kerry is used to lies .But really whats the difference Kerry is finished , as if he ever started in the first place. The Democrats state they would get dirty during this election my guess they were beat at thier own game ....again
  15. I dont know how Kerry snuck in as the candidate ,I always thought Dean would have been better candidate ,the very least more entertaining.
  16. Bush has won the democrats are already re grouping to see who they will run and run against in 2008 ,their effort would be well served as there is no way they can even come close to winning this one and they know it.
  17. \Well you could take your lumps. You didnt say wether it was radar or his judgement with the speedodmeter. You could challenge the calibration of the radar or the speedodmeter of his car.If you want to spend a couple of bucks hire a lawyer up front it might cost you but could save you money in the long run.
  18. Many peeople on this board do not have a sense of humor , especially the moderators
  19. Its called consistancy ,besides theses intellectuals are really boring ,now who would you rather have covering your back those wishy washy types or me ? I mean really whats a message board wihtout a good bigot.?
  20. And the best part of it is its True
  21. Be careful there are many Muslim lovers on this board.
  22. Ah yes Soros ,a man of and for the people ,the usual leftists libber. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  23. When the knife is held to the throat of the liberal and its getting closer every day, then and only maybe will they believe that Isalm wants all non believers dead.
  24. Well I guess I was to nice to to a moronic liberal.What I said was if the dont voice thier opposition to the Islamic radicals most people will include them in the group of radicals .Idid not asay they have to fight them .Besides you wouldnt know anyting about fighting as you never had any combat experience and most likely no military experience.Here is to you and yours :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  25. I hate to say this but you are right.However its time the the real Muslims stad up and be counted , because right now its guilt by association and they have done nothing to disspell this theory. Its like the Kerry issue , its not about what he did or didnt do in combat , its about right he did and said about veterans upon his return
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