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Captain America

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Everything posted by Captain America

  1. OH yea baseball ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz
  2. You are right for instance did you know that Teddy Roosevelt and the 'rough riders were National Guard.On any given day, an average of 4,700 ARNG soldiers are away from home in support of our national security 33% of the Army's Armored Cavalry Regiments are in the Army National Guard. The Army National Guard has 56% of the Army's Combat force structure. More than 60,000 Army Guard personnel were called to active duty for the Gulf War. 52% of the Army's Infantry Battalions are in the Army National Guard. 38% of the the Army's force structure is in the Army National Guard 45% of the Army's Mechanized Infantry forces are in the Army National Guard. This and many other factoids and it can esily be seen why they are called to active duty. I would imagine that Bush going into the Air National guard as a pilot a congressman would have to recommed him like say his father. Many Air Guard pilots were in Viet Nam. So keep up the good work libbers ....Bush wins in a landslide.
  3. You dont need our prayers ,we need yours , my fellow Bills fan God speed.
  4. Leonard 'Hitman'Smith wasnt too shabby. I always liked his statement .They should never call a late hit unless the guy is walking back to the huddle
  5. Not me , on the other hand he could have left the country like Slime Ball Bill .At least Bush was in the Guard with the possibility of being sent to Viet Nam.Of course here you have Dan Blather releasing this story , with Kerry its the Veterans that were there. I said I didnt doubt it I also dont doubt the fact the Blather had those documents forged .
  6. I didnt htnk it was possible ,he is dumber than Bush
  7. Not having a quality kicker affects the coaches decision when the team should be in a good kickers feild goal range .I mean if you were a coach would you feeel comfortable with Lindell kicking a 48 yarder or maybe we should punt?Lindell blows .... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  8. To who? France and Germany ,Kerry has already lost and you and the rest of the libbers know it , The only one dumber than Bush is Kerry :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  9. My prayers for your family
  10. OK well then get rid of Donaho
  11. If you had a decent kicker that would not have happened ,they better get another kicker as Lindell will be affecting the coaches decision
  12. Well Rock this whole society is made up of wimps a panzies and its infiltrated the Bills fans .Next thing you know they will be selling cappachino (sp) in the stands ,like they do in SanFrancisco Oh and lets not for get the guy with the dog and frisbee at half time
  13. The only thing Lindell should be given is the boot. He wasnt any good last year and the beat goes on .I have seen highschool kickers better than this guy.Having a good or bad in this case affects the coackes decisions on game day :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  14. The number one job now is cut Lindell and find a kicker.This pi$$ poor kicker can affecet many coaching decisions during the game because of lack of confidence in Lindell , bottom line Lindell blows :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  15. The first announcement tomorrow should be "Bills cut Lindell" , thats why Parcells is a winner ,he would not put up with this from a kicker
  16. Exactly, I am sick and tired of that phrase.So here is the remedy since they are always beating themselves they are going to stop playing opponents and play with themselves that why they can "beat temselves" or beat something however by playing with them selves they will also be the winner. So tell me what good is Moulds catch in the wide open for a TD when he cant hang on to the ball when it counts?
  17. They need a new kicker, Lindell blows.If they dont the coaches decision to kick field goals or punt will be seriously affected
  18. I dont get it LIndell was a flop last year.Well lets do the Bills thing and keep him :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  19. Come on they only got beat by a bad team ......at home.
  20. When I hear him speak he reminds me of FogHorn LegHorn
  21. This is nothing , if he continues to mess wiht the NYC Meter Maids and NYC police , they will find him floating face down in the East River
  22. No Moose you never said that but I will , active or passive they are still terrorists and so are the supporters many of whom post on this board.
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