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Captain America

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Everything posted by Captain America

  1. A router is what you want ,wired is the best .Once you get familiar with it if can go wiresless if you want
  2. The Administration is adding another 40,000 active duty troops to Iraq ,they are called Yankee fans.Last night they also discoverd a terrorist at Yankee stadium he goes by the name of Ali Umpire
  3. And a very telling stat on WM is that 90 of his some 100 plus yds was gained after first contact.
  4. He certainly looked good , but I would wait a little while ,his previous knee injury is suspect , but then again that just me
  5. Terrorism is a broad term however Saddam was offering a reward of ten thousand dollars to any Palestine family that would give up a family member to be a suicide bomber.Wouldnt you consider that terrorism? Or the rebels that blew up the school full of Russian children.Terrorism doesnt seem to have an organized purpose like a military war does ,it is designed to weaken the will of the people so they will accept the ideas of the terrorist, for instance radical Islam. It hard for the civilized world to relate to these terrorist because it appears to us as just killing for killing sake.And for the most part thats also the terrorists main objsective , kill all non-believers .Terrorism is unstructured and very dangerous and thats why conventional warfare is not as effective as it is in a regular war .The bottom line in the war on terror is kill more of them than they kill of you. Nobody ever said that Saddam had a hand in 9/11 . Saddam supported terrorists but just not the 9/11 crew. The way I see it is any country in the mid east is a hot bed of terrorism . As a side note , that reward Saddam was offering was probably part of the oil for food program, thats really why countries backed off on going to war against him as thier hands were already dirty.
  6. Could you see them weasels from your vantanage in the air?
  7. Well you could start off by getting some new friends. My guess is your friends are young. Over and above that, does it makes sense for some one you really do not know much about just because you hate some one . Kerry would have you believe he in line with the 'average' man , of which the combined income of him and his wife is 6.8 million a year at a tax rate of 12 percent which is below the average citizen. I also feel you were not around during the Viet Nam era or were very young. I will admit that Kerry served in Veit Nam and admirably , however upon is return led protests against the war, also his rght as a citizen , but he also critized the military personnel for atrocities during the war which, in fact the war was still on and Prisones of war were still in enemy custody ,at the very least is a large error judgment. And when you vote for Bush you will be able to tell your friends you voted for the winner and the majority of Americans voted that way too and thats really is all this is about. Do you really want to be associated with a party and its supporters that are about all hate?
  8. Its time for 'where the buck stops' to step up RALPH where are you??
  9. Well Rich Kerrys own man Lockhart has revised that 200k figure down to 100 k
  10. Kerry operates under the theory that if you ignore a problem it will go away , He does not think terroism is a problem just a slight nuisance Kerry will downgrade the military as evidenced by his total disdane for them ,upon his return from Viet Nam. Kerry wants one on one talks with the North Koreans on nuclear capabilities., should be obivious ,so there will be no witness to the fact he will sell out this country.
  11. Tenny ,your taxes are going up with Kerry and the cut off point is between eighty and one hundred thousand dollars and thats from Kerrys man Joe Lockhart, you know mister Global Crossing "i made my money" Kerry is a phony and a liar .I know you and your liberal buddies do not trust Kerry and this campaign is based on blind hatered for Bush.Lets not forget Kerry stabbed you and the rest of the vets in the back when he returned from 'Nam' I am not a huge Bush fan , but Kerry is a phoney but I suppose you and the rest of the legal types want Kerry and Edwards so lawsuits can run rampant
  12. I share your sentiment. I too will be watching and laughing as Jonas Jennings stumbled around like a big fat slob , what do I mean like ,,he is.
  13. Take your medication.This team and organization flat out sucks . Ralph is getting ready to move them ,do it Ralph , this tam is a cancer to the area.Its bad enouhg around here this will be one less embarassment :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  14. Instead of using all this bandwidth just say THEY SUCK!!
  15. He fits right in with this sorry bunch of losers.Lets see Christie made hmm 4 for 4 ,yea but the longest was only 47 yards
  16. Yea , about sixty minutes of playing time
  17. There is only one thing they are going to beat
  18. Just saying they suck would suffice There really isnt any T E A M
  19. Thats right think positive .They are positivley the biggest bunch of losers in the league
  20. You wanna be entertained see your local street walker
  21. Come on make the Bills feel at home, dress in yellow just like the penalty flags.
  22. They all suck with the possible exception of Moorman. They are the total package ...all losers. Who cares about ht ecompany line its the same old BS :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  23. The terror level is really for police and security agencies that take certain steps of increased security. After people learn how to read maybe you could do a little reading here. Homeland Security Young male Americans are really stupid because they watch too much TV and believe every thing they ssee .They have a serious problem understanding anything. Some time watch the TV ads closely that have males in them , the males depicted are either wimpy or gay or both. The real Americans are the ones in the United States Military.You dont see them dancing around the a sugar plum fairey
  24. Actually I think Williams and Jennings were having a contest to see which one could blow the most blocks. That O Line is a sorry looking bunch of players
  25. You have all the answers feel free to check it out yourself
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