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Captain America

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Everything posted by Captain America

  1. Right , like Bob Dole Said of Kerry " Three purple hearts and no blood "
  2. Ah then you were in the ghetto or a run down trailer park.However I agree the democrats need all the help they can get
  3. The only thing questionable is the libbers
  4. Now that you have all started a nasty rumor , The fact is that Rob Johnson is out ofr the season with a torn rotator cuff.... bite me :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  5. Well listen here missy when Bush wins ....again. you can go back in the kitchen and bake some cookies oh and throw a mop on the floor after you are done
  6. The man.....Travis Henry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Now they can get home in time to finish thier community service sentence. They blow.
  8. You got it all wrong .They had to stop so they could report to thier parole officers
  9. I have had the cd from Microsoft a little over a week but to be honest with you my computer runs fine. I have a home network so I think I will sit on it for awhile ,why screw up a good thing.I dont see any advantage for me right now.
  10. Become a missionary in a foreign country
  11. I hate to even think this way but it sounds like some one is taking advantage of the situation , unless of course he receives the money ,all the medical bills ,as stated in this thread previously, will be paid for. Time and again young people fall for the recruiters "your college will be paid for " neglecting to say of course if you live through the experience.
  12. I hate physics . my mother used to make me take one all the time because I had a hard time taking a dump.Sorry I just camt help myself
  13. You know its not what Kerry did when he was in Viet Nam it was what he did when he returned and that story will be told soon and its a documented fact Hanoi Jane would help him now but I think she is in a physc center ,where,I might add she should be. I vividly remember these traitorus aholes first hand ,many of you werent even born yet.
  14. You should run for President. The terrorists and poverty .just have the terrorists attack and kill all the people in poverty ..end of poverty ,then we kill the terrorists end of terror what a great solution :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  15. I think its called an oxymoron Fair and Tax yea right
  16. We all know what Kerry played . The same thing he still plays.........with himself
  17. Maybe BLZRUL can bake some oatmeal cookies and you can go out and distribute them to the poor and unfortunate its the least you can do seeing as how you and the rest of the leftists losers are always crying about something. It will be great after the election when you lose once again to watch you people cry and complain ,misery loves company ,cant you just feel it slipping away yet again?
  18. The libber lefty losers will aways say , but Bush , because Komrade Kerry is shallow and empty and he(Kerry) is glad about the Viet Nam controversy because if it wernt for that nobody would even know who he is .I myself could care less about his service in Viet Nam ,good for him, but when he came home , his conduct was traitorious , and this will be the next episode on Komrade Kerry.
  19. Thats just what need someone who is more humane when we are fight the War on Terror.How about those scum you know the ones the killed 3000 people probaly should treat that situation with more kindest.You libbers are really great maybe you all should volunteer to be beheaded and give our enemy a little satisfaction. I am sure they would stop and Germany and France would immediatley come to our aid .Komrade Kerry is a loser and so are his followers :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  20. Its ok because losers start grasping for anything, and Kerry and his crew are losers . Take MaxCelland and roll him over a cliff :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: All thse losers want is the lime light.The reason most veterans are upset wiht Kerry is not the service in 'Nam' but his testimony to congress when he got back . To Kerry and the rest of his losers :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
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