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Everything posted by dogbyte

  1. From the Euphoria of having scored a touch down in the 4th qtr against the PATS The team was so high after getting beat by only 35 - 7 that they suffured a let down for the Broncos game. They would of won the Broncos game if it was'nt for the errors and failure to stop the run. But we are getting better, we only lost by 9
  2. Losing Fat Pat
  3. So does the coach on WGR. What has the font office done to impress anybody? The draft of MaGhee threw GW under the bus. FA signings for a lot of "ME" FIRST players" Milloy always talking about money and not Superbowls The drafting of WRs and RBs instead of OL /DL. The great coaching choices? TD reminds me of Bobby Grier of NE. WELL I GOT THE TALENT BUT THE COACH COULD NOT DEVELOP THEM He had a ton of draft picks but because he knew better than anyone he wasted them. Parcells said he did not mind giving draft picks to NE because he knew the Grier would waste them. EX picking Cris Canty over Sam Madison The NE coaches wanted Madison but he knew better. Look where Houstan is now that he is been there for 4 years TD is like Grier " I know what is best for the Bills, because I am GREAT " Just look at the Bills record, Who could of done better? I got us out of salary cap jail and fooled thousands of fans into thinking we were a Super Bowl contender How can you crictize the great and powerfull TD
  4. His interest is to escape this madness as fast has he can.
  5. You have injured it much more than you think. You should of never gone sking until it was completely healed. You will now need an operation to correct the sepration problem and to keep it corrected. Wait until your insurence is active and just tell them it happened when you fell some place. The MRI will cost about 1000.00 The op about 3 to 5 K.
  6. MM should be retained in NY for the next 3 years. They should place him in ATTICA for inpersonating a NFL coach.
  7. The problem is that those FAs where not the right ones to bring the Bills back to the playoffs. We signed Vincent to play CB then found out he could no longer do it so we moved him to safty where he has been so-so. We paid Milloy top safty money and then found out that he was good in run support and Blitzing but can not do pass coverage. And the list goes on and on
  8. Look we knew about NE being good and we thought we would be also. If the Dolfins win and go to the playoffs that would mean that the Bills have realy sunk to a new low. Next year all the sports shows would be talking about the Fins turn around, coaching and players. How the Pats injuries realy hurt them and how bad the Bills where.
  9. And what have the Boston Bruins done since Jeremey Jacobs has owned them. nothing but watch the bottom line and have the highest concession prices in the league. Look at the player problems over the last 10 years for the Bruins. The NFL would never approve him
  10. I thought the East was ours this year. I do not see this as an easy schedule for the Bills in the state they are in.
  11. The problem is this is not a talented team. There are some talanted players but not many. There are plenty of name players but some that are over the hill. We have not won with them and it looks like we will not again. So why keep them eating up cap space. Cut them, draft well and sign some good young FAs and build from there. It will be better to have a good up and coming team than what we have here. Vets have to go someday so lets start over but the right way. The Milloys, Vincents,Adams can no lomger help this team, just retard progress. I am not that excited about the coaching staff but it is only their second year.
  12. What makes you think they will come here? Are we close to a super bowl. Will not other teams be looking at these players. Don't we have 19 players to re-sign? Where do we get all this bonus money?
  13. tHE PROBLEM IS THAT WE ARE NOT JUST 1 YEAR BEHIND THE BENGALS ON AN UPWARD CURVE. We seem to be on a downward spiral with all lot of vets that are no longer doing the job. MW, Moulds Adams, Vincent and Milloy. Plus with Clements up and down play, who knows what is going to happen. With the Bengals you can see the progress, with the Bills it is total confusion.
  14. MW is being paid LT money. A RT is not supposed to be the highest paid offensive lineman on your team. LT, center, RT. RT is the more important position if your QB is left handed. IMO he is way overpaid to be playing RT. He is plaing RT because he could not play LT which is where TD thought he could play. You do not spend a number four pick in the draft for a RT.
  15. The NFL trading deadline is OCT 18th for 2005. TH will have to be moved before that date or you can no longer trade him
  16. First you can not tender a player under contract. so Brown could not be tendered. Second this is the new NFL. the pats tried to restructure Brown's contarct but could get it done. By releasing him now he has a chance to get a decent offer then waiting to release him in June 1 You just can not keep high cap players in todays era as they get to the end of the careers. look at all the players released today by other teams.
  17. Why do you think we are a team on the cusp of greatness? If Pat leaves, why do you think he can only go to some mediorce team? He could go to a contender he needs a DT. If Pat and JJ leave and with a rookie QB in JPL I not sure where we will end up next year.
  18. This is the last lear of Walkers contract. Payton wanted to go somewhere to compete for a title. walker gives them some rebounding that they need for now. he will not be signed at the end of the season. yhey also traded Yuri. It looks like the have dumped salary for next year. With Walker they will make the playoffs but the are not going anywhere. next season they will have some money to attract FAs with.
  19. For me there is only one and that is BAD FROG BEER They copywrited the bird So if you flip someone the bird you are ordering a bad frog beer Ohio bans Bad Frog beer The old refrain, "there's no such thing as bad publicity," is proving true at Bad Frog Brewery Co., Rose City, MI. In October, the company successfully launched its Bad Frog premium beer within its home state. The label shows a frog flashing a raised middle digit. But when the firm tried to distribute its beer in Ohio, the Ohio Liquor Control Board banned its sale, citing the label as obscene. An appeal is planned. "The ruling wasn't stunning to us," says vice president Richard DiLoreto. "In fact, it was helpful. We received considerable media attention. It's been a shot in the arm. We've sold one million bottles in less than two months, without advertising." A local microbrewery produces the beer for Bad Frog. The company plans to utilize small breweries around the country to produce the special premium blend, which is now hitting markets in Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Virginia, Rhode Island and Florida. Bad Frog retails for approximately $6.50 for a six-pack of 12-oz amber glass bottles. A 22-oz bottle is also sold. Creative Label (Fairmont, WV) converts the metallized paper labels, offset printing the 3 1/2" square body label in six colors. It also die-cuts the neck labels. Basket carriers are from C.W. Zumbiel (Cincinnati, OH). These are printed offset in five colors on a 20-pt clay-coated kraft paperboard stock with built-in wet strength. Besides the improper gesture, verbiage on the risque labels describe Bad Frog as "an amphibian with an attitude," who is "mean, green and obscene." And wait, there's more. Bad Frog's initial success has prompted the company to launch two new brews, Bad Frog Lemon Lager, and BS Toad Dark. The label for the latter, says DiLoreto, shows an "ugly toad flashing the BS sign."
  20. lets be carefull with FAs. Everyone laughed at the Pats for not resigning Woody, which a lot of Bills fans were screeming at TD to. Well Woody got the huge contract with a huge bonus that made him one of the highest paid Offensive linemen in the league. And what did the Lions get in return, A Player that shows up in training camp 50 lbs overweight and out of conditining, who does nothing all year but make the most overrated player team.
  21. it will be a good thing that JP can run if they move MW to LT. he is not quick enough to play against the other teams best rusher. It was better towards the end of the season at RT. Unfortunely he is being paid LT money but he will not survive there.. remember he was drafted in the 4th position of the draft to play left tackle but he was a RT at the time. The coaches thought he could make the switch but they were wrong. he is way overpaided for the position he plays. You do not draft a RT in the 4th spot in the draft, the coaches made a mistake there.
  22. Look just because we do not like the Pats does not mean we have to say a lot of untruths about Bob Kraft the owner. First he did not strong-arm the government to try to build a stadium for him. He was approached by the former governor and the pols to leave Foxboro and build in south Boston. But the folks in south Boston did not want the deal unless half of the town was on the payroll. Finally Bob Kraft called it quits with this idea and tried to do something else. This fiasco cost him 4 million dollars in wasted money. He looked at RI but decied That it was not doable. He wanted to build in Foxboro but wanted the road system improved so he tried to get that MA pols to do 77 million for infrastructure improvements. They said no to anything unless the got all type of linkage fees. He said that the project was not feasible with their demands. He was then approached by the Governor of Conn the build a stadium in Hartford. As part of his revitalization project. The Governor promised him one hell of a deal, one which many owners could not believe that Bob Kraft walked away from to stay in Foxboro. But the Krafts did not think that the stadium in Hartford could be done in the time period because of the State’s having to take about a third of the property by eminent domain. The power company vowed to take this to the supreme court. Also Ralph Nader had raised 60K signatures to fight against this proposal. The NFL did not want him to move out of the Boston area and neither did TV. The legislature finally decided it would do the infrastructure if the Pats would pay it out of special fees over a twenty-year period. So over twenty years the state would get it’s money back. Bob Kraft also paid the state of Conn the 3 million dollars it had spent on its proposal and study costs. Bob Kraft then spent 380 million of his own money to build the stadium with a low cost loan from the NFL. Kraft could of gotten a quick 70 million to sell the stadium/ deal to the St. Louis buyers who would of moved the team. But he wanted to keep the team and bought in from JO. Bob Kraft is a shrewd business man and has been the driving force as head of the NFL TV committee to get the new TV contracts that has made the team owners a lot of money. He has fielded a 3 time SB winner and if he has to raise prices to pay for this success then so be it. If the people are willing to pay it then the Pats will be successful. We can dislike the Pats for many reason but lets not distort the facts to make the Krafts look bad. They saved the team, built a new stadium, and won 3 SBs. Also I do not remember RW building the Ralph with his money. Also when RW goes and we have a new BILLS owner who pays 500 to 600 mil for the team, I bet you will see a lot of season ticket prices going up. And if we do not pay them how long will the new owners keep the team here.
  23. Not all players stay, Washington, Woody,Hamilton, Eaton and Milloy are examples. Plus the coaches have incentives in their contracts that brings their pay up if the team does well. Crennel and Weis had those type of contracts Both were paid well. look at Greg Williams of the Redskins. makes twice what he was paid to coach the Bills as the DC. Paul Allen is one of the richest men in the US, noticed that he did not offered that type of contarct to TD. Scott Pioli had said that he would finsh out his contract with the Pats that runs to 2006. He is a man of his word and is is still under contract. plus no one knows what his power would be in Seattle. He would still be stuck with Holgrem as coach. If you like your situation where your are at, then going just for money does not make you happy. I did that, once when I accepted an offer that doubled my salary. but the working conditions and the time demands soon far exceeded the pay. I quit and went back to better working conditions and was much happier Cory Dillion had a low contract with incentives, he did well and the team did well and he got almost all of what he would of gotten in Cinn. Remember the Bills coaches are not paid at the high end of the scale either. So if the Bills do well we may see our coaches go to higher paying teams. Teams on the bottom will always overpay to get better performing coaches or players. Remember both CW an RC of the Pats are now first year coaches at 2 mill a year. What does MM get? I doubt that the Pats are cheating in anyway, plus how could you cheat with a coaches pay , it does not count against the cap. They are just focused on winning and many players like that and are willing to play for less. it is this team thing, if you do not want to be part of it,then you are free to leave after your contract is up ( Woody, Washington, Hamilton, Shaw) or get released (Milloy, Buckley, Haynes). The Pats will overpay if they have a position that is hard to fill like LT so they gave Matt Light a contract that is what the league is paying for that position. They just will not give outrageous contracts or bonuses. This works if they are winning, if they stop winning then they will have to start doing what other teams have to do. That is overpay for players and coaching
  24. I think he is saying that while Drew might not be the QB to lead the Bills to the playoffs is JP that much better to upgrade the Bills from 9-7 to the playoffs. We know what Drew can and can not do but we do not know anything about what JP can do in the heat of battle.
  25. You can not compare Packers, Steelers and 49ers. those teams played without free agency or with just Plan b free agency. How many titles would they have won if the had a salary cap and free agency to deal with. One maybe 2 but no more. Free agency would have torn those teams apart. High profile agents and players with large egos and web sites would have bolted both places had they the chance. remember the Steelers of the 70s were the best dynasty in football but the also had one of the most frugal owners in the NFL and were is lowest paid. I think only the Cowboys can be compared to the Pats because of the salary cap and free agency. The cowboys were the better team. The Pats of the 2001/2003 and 2004 Superbowl years were the best teams ever if this is how you define teams Were they the most talented team ever, of course not be if you define team by being a group of players that played up to or above their talent level then the 2001 Pats have to be that team. They upset the Rams in what has to be the 2nd greatest upsets in NFL history. That team played far above their talent level. People talk about the tuck rule but forget that the Steelers went to the SB on Franco Harris's immaclulate reception. If you define the team concept as players that are willing to go beyond their egos and play above expectations after losing a number of starters to injuries then the 2004 Pats have to be that team because of salary cap and FA the Pats have to be compared to teams in the future not any in the past In my opinion, with the drive for NFL parity, I do not think we will be seeing the SB teams winning by dormanating an opponent like we saw in the past. I think you will see that teams will find it hard to just go back to the SB Look at the 49ers under Young, they had winning seasons but only got to the SB once those teams were very talentd but lost players and coaches. There is no doubt that the Pats will suffer with the loss of OC and DC coaches. Like other winning teams, they will eventully lose palyers to FA. It will be very hard for them to repeat this year, everything has to come to and end. But they also will strive to be competive and have a good chance to go to the playoffs for a number of years. this is what all teams want
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