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Everything posted by dogbyte

  1. I do not think that 95% of the FAs would find the Bills a perfect spot. Maybe about 20% at most. 1st the weather, 2nd the team has not been to the playoffs and 3rd the Bills will not pay the going price for good talent.
  2. It is over folks, Nate will be a FA and can sign anywhere. He is not going to sign for 1 year. It will be a multi-year contract with a large signing bonus. If the Bills have the best offer, he will stay, if not he is gone with no compension. he and his agent would be crazy to sign a 1 year deal. If he got hurt he would be out millions. It is not going to happen.
  3. If you keep signing players 2 years before their contract expires then everyone will want want you to do their's early. It does not make sense to do this. This just fouls up your your salary and cap situation.
  4. 2 thirds were awarded for FA losses
  5. NE also has a 2nd 3 thirds 2 fourths no fifth 2 sixths and sevenths. They will trade some to move up. Plus they have 30 mill in cap space.
  6. They draft well and do not overpay players or FAs. They are willing to let people walk if they think the cost is too high. They do not keep players around that can no longer preform. They would rather release a player a year earlier than a year late. This is what free agency has brought to the NFL, players can no longer retire from a team. The salary cap has ended those dreams. Just think NE has only 2 firsts 1 second, 3 third and 2 fourths and 2 sixth and seventh round choices in next years draft.
  7. All week the Chargers were talking trash. The had set up a victory dinner ifor after the game. They were already printing up hats and shirts about the SanDiego Super Chargers. They were talking about the plans for the Victory parade after winning the AFC and the Super Bowl. It was all no one can stop us , we are the best and etc.. 9 Pro-bowl players *1 in everything and we are going to crush everyone. The Chargers constantly talked trash throughout the game, I can see how some of the NE players got a little disrepectfull. after hearing this all week and all game.
  8. First RW never wanted home games telervised, even if they sold out. Also if you do change the blackout rule then how would you be able to sell out any games. We can not sell out now with the lowest ticket prices in the NFL The NFL does not have an ANTI-TRUST exemption only BASEBALL does.
  9. Nobody here ever went to a new job and did not like it? He never really wanted to be an NFL coach. He liked the college game better. He tried the PRO game and did not feel it was for him . So he decieded to leave. Remember good pro coaches have no family life. He found out that this was not for him. Bama came after him and if he nevr comes back to the NFL so what. He will be a millionaire.
  10. The more times you do early signings, then every player will want a new contract in 2 to 3 years. Agents will not let players sign unless they get this. It would drive the team into salary cap hell
  11. Maybe the problem is, that if can not sell out home games, while we were still in the playoff hunt. Then why would they think that the Bills -Ravens would draw a large audience on TV. This is why they are showing the Fins- Indy
  12. Sorry I think Ko Simpson, who was a 4th round choice, gets a B. And Whiner who was a high 1st gets the C+. More was expected of him. he was OK not spectalcular. Coaching gets an A for prep and game planning but a C for game coaching. Too many dumb calls and game deciesions
  13. Unfortunely the result was the same.
  14. There is 2 things to watch. Indy at Cinncy. If Cinncy wins then they are in. If Jets win we are out. Thats it in a nutshell.
  15. Sorry, but there is no way that a new stadium will be built with public funds. Private and/or NFL funds maybe. 10 games a year will not make the stadium viable. They will have to re-do the Ralph. Football Stadiums do not work for revitizing areas. You have to have a plan to work with the stadium. Baseball parks work because they have 82 games plus other events.
  16. Boston does not change the games the league tells them what games can be shown in an area. Plus the Bills will be at 1 again.
  17. Sorry but the Pigeons have a very stong union, that is all across the USA. NFL is not able to ban pigeons at NFL stadiums.. Pigeons win concessions with the NFL, every football fan must buy popcorn and spill it on the floor of the stadiums.
  18. Bills losing by a point, 40 seconds left, on the 15 yard line. JPL rolls out to the right and collides with a sparrow. The collision knocks the ball out of JP's hands and it is recovered by the Packers. Bills lose 24-23 and Marv and Ralph go to the NFL to have all sparrows banned from NFL games.
  19. Sorry but BYE 24 Bills 10.
  20. Wait a minute, I thought the Bye was favored by 6 not underdogs?
  21. Sorry but the raiders want 2 1st rounders for porter
  22. In this salary cap era , you can no longer wait 5 years for a QB to develop
  23. Matt Schuab will be a high tender RFA. If we sign him and Atlanta does not match, we will have to send them a 1st and 3rd. Atlanta has already turned down 1st round picks for him. Not a bad choice for a player that is a backup and was a 3rd round choice. Also a couple of blockbuster FA signings will not fix the Bills. I do not want players who just come here for the money. I want players that want to win first. What we need to do is draft good football players first and fill in other holes with good and smart FAs. This means we have to draft smarter than we did this year, if you have a chance to get more picks and still get your player do it. Do not trade needed picks to move up in the draft to get players you could get later. Have more than just plan A. Have a plan B and C if plan A does not happen. Do not dump players and replace the players that you have dumped with the draft. Ex Lawyer Milloy replaced with Donte. Donte is just a younger Milloy playing in the wrong system. Pat Williams and Sam Adams replaced by who? Not Tripplet and McCargo. Antone Williams replaced by McGee Moulds replaced by Evans Travis Henery replaced by Willis. When you are rebuilding , you replace players with better ones, not ones of equal or lower value. Some fo those players were still servicable so you you the draft to fill in other holes, not creat holes and fill them in with the draft. If you do this , you just end up constantly rebuilding. the problem as I see it is, we were lead to believe this was a SB contender held back by bad coaching. In reality, we were a bad team, with bad coaching
  24. There are many players that are high charcter guys and still very good players. in today's salary cap era you can not afford these people who are good but are problems.
  25. I do not believe this story. First in first class, all the drinks are free. Second they do not give out peanuts with shells because of the cleanup problems. The plane has to be cleaned for rapid turn around
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