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Everything posted by BuffOrange

  1. Man I am pretty jacked about this team. The ultimate goal is of course an '03 result, but the ride up to this point is for me the most fun ever. I was like 10yrs old the last time they even had a chance at a #1 seed this late in the season ('91?). edit: 2000 I think we had a similar start, but they played a much softer schedule & I never remember thinking that team was that good.
  2. Of course, those games are all loseable. I thought Marquette (who has lost a ridiculous # of close games in the last year) was a game they could lose until seeing them lose to Depaul. Still will be a battle if they don't play well.
  3. Yah. So many callers comment on stuff like playcalling and then when asked to provide an example sound like "uhhh umm well it just seemed like it was better/worse than week". Great, talking to that guy for 10 minutes would make for some interesting radio.
  4. +1 Virtually every GR bashing post here is loaded with misquotes. It's pathetic.
  5. I don't know about anyone else, but I like signing up at LA Clippers boards and faking like I'm a long-suffering fan, because it's fun.
  6. September-December - Sully is great January-August - Sully is an idiot per TBD
  7. Yep, listen to this guy.
  8. F*&^ my life.
  9. Having a girl you like, a job you like, and a place to live that you like can be hard. Those three things are pretty much life in cliff notes when you think about it. For a while I had zero which, combined with the Bills sucking, made much of my 20's less happy than they should've been. Currently really happy that I have two in place and excited to capture the 3rd. Hopefully you're lucky enough to have a good family/friends support system in the meantime.
  10. And? 3 of those games are home. None of those teams would/will be favored @WVU.
  11. Been saying this for years. These "Look at me I'm a better fan than you" threads are the worst. Other teams bandwagon fans root for? Clippers, Pirates?
  12. I don't think I've ever been less worried with a 2pt lead in the 2nd half. We were just so much better. Nice road trip.
  13. '97 Bills [ ] Winning team
  14. This is a joke, right?
  15. To be fair their best defensive player is a corner, they're just ok against the run, and they rely on their schemes/blitz to pressure the QB. They do seem to realize the importance of the OL better than us, true; but so does just about every other team.
  16. Same. It's the pros not High School.
  17. So who gets the win here...or is it a draw?
  18. This is a much bigger problem than anything the Jets are doing. We've had the best team of the decade in our division - which hasn't helped, but has nevertheless been far from the only reason the Bills have sucked as proven by the Jets rebuilding twice and getting to the playoffs under 3 different coaches in that same timespan and same division. They could've just as easily won 2 playoff games in '04 if their kicker didn't come up small in Pittsburgh. It was pretty obvious before the season (as much as people here didn't want to believe it) that the Jets and Miami were building their teams the right way - from the inside out. Give Miami a perimeter threat on offense and a CB (or a game against the Colts scrubs instead of against Manning in September), and they're going to be no less of a problem. The Jets making it this far is nice for their fans but like the guy who mentioned Atlanta said, it doesn't mean a whole heck of a lot - see Mangini's rookie year, or Haslett's rookie year in NO (who nobody here wants as our coach - justifiably so imo). It's standard to ignore all this stuff given the ADD world we live in - but the Bills in what direction they're going in is what really matters for their future. Second is the Patriots and whether or not they're actually dead (which personally I'm not ready to buy). Worrying about some 7-7 team that hit the lottery is like worrying about a bruise on the arm when you have a terminal disease, so no I don't really get it.
  19. The guys had made 40 in a row and he's like 0 for 20 against the Jets in the playoffs. Ridiculous, must be related to Vanderjet.
  20. Well last yr they were 9-7. This year they were 7-7 in games their opponents didn't forfeit. What was your point?
  21. Pretty awesome win. That was the toughest game left on the schedule. Onuaku (still can't spell his name) seems to be regressing. But I was wrong about Joseph and Trische stepped up nicely. If not for all of WVU's ridiculous Dukesque flops and late 3's this is a double digit win.
  22. You say he has zero accountability but what does that mean? He doesn't lose his job for getting stuff wrong (like every GM in the history of the world has) when he's grading hundreds of players every year? Oh noes. Lol @ comparing him to people on this board. The mock drafts on team message boards and local newspapers...where do you think those come from? It's Kiper's board with a bit of tinkering based on their opinion of team needs (eg: our team needs a LB more than a DE). He (and more recently has some company with guys like Mayock) have the task of putting together the board without the cheatsheet. If you didn't have that as a reference point, you'd consider Tebow, McCoy, and Graham Harrell 1st round picks; and a zillion other guys who never get drafted or play in the nfl. And if you say otherwise you're a liar.
  23. This. OP or the roommate must be giving some strange vibes.
  24. So it's not enough that advocates of the lame college system cherry-pick games where the receiving team wins; but "almost scores" count as well? Poor officiating is unfair too, but it happens every game.
  25. Seriously. As if there weren't some touchy roughing calls on Trent opening night. I mean the refs gave them a SB in 2001 but that was 8 years ago. It's time to move on.
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