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Everything posted by BuffOrange

  1. Way to plagiarize Mike Schopp.
  2. Yah, that happens a lot here. When the Bills were 5-1 and anyone pointed out flaws, they were "morons who can't enjoy life". Right. I don't fancy myself a hockey expert but I don't really understand what they had in mind when building the team, seeing they lack both skill and size. I guess they're like the fantasy owner who overvalues his own players (Roy, Pominville, Rivet, etc). Ruff I like overall, but he is I guess is untouchable wrt criticism? The PP is brutal just as the President's Trophy team was in the playoffs vs. the Rangers/Sens.
  3. Non-conf opponent? OMG that actually makes sense.
  4. In Parcells' 2nd year in NE/NYJ, they went 11-5/12-4. In his 3rd year they went 6-10/8-8. I can't believe he gets credit for turning them around with Dick McPherson's/Rich Kotite's players. They were older than dirt. Plus they scored points in the '02 postseason, which they could not ever do previously.
  5. Yup. As for 'winning tomorrow & being in good shape' - that is true I suppose for this series - against the lowest scoring team in the playoffs. But even if they're to win this series they don't look like a team that can seriously compete for the big prize in a tournament that appears to have no great teams. It's another sad missed opportunity.
  6. Not only small, but no talent to boot. How did they make the playoffs?
  7. Fair enough. Just don't tell me "proving everyone wrong" is going to be the catalyst for a successful career then.
  8. It's 2-1. Didn't they win Game 2 in epic style?
  9. I was wondering who the donkey was just gave up the puck in their zone while under zero pressure that led to the tying goal. I still don't know. Hockey announcers are pretty worthless. Meh he says the same stuff after every loss. "ZOMG sick bounces".
  10. And that team lost to "Dungy's team" amiright?
  11. I can't think of a worst reason to draft someone than "he wants to prove people wrong". So what happens when he becomes the media/critics' best friend after he wins a few games?
  12. It's best to assume that a sports radio show is going to suck going into it. If you're looking for a hardcore X's & O's show you can forget about anything national. If they try to break down the Sabres 3rd line they'll be out of a job in a week. Cowherd acknowledges this regularly but unfortunately he's not funny in addition to not being insightful. Rome's emails are at least entertaining.
  13. Surprising since those guys have always been very bullish on drafting OLmen high. Never heard of that particular columnist - he must be new to the staff.
  14. Never heard the Flyers booth?
  15. While nba threads always get flamed, I've never been one to hate. But this year - honestly - wake me up when it's down to the Lakers, Cavs & Magic.
  16. This team has sucked for a decade. Until they stop sucking, there will be doom&gloomers. Also, doom&gloomers have been right more often than you in the last 10yrs.
  17. Maybe it's not a bad deal for Denver, but I don't see how anyone can say it's a bad deal for Miami. When you draft a WR in the 1st round, having him turn out like Marshall is basically the best case scenerio. More likely said drafted player will be much worse. And you'd have to pay him a lot too. So giving up two 2nd rounders for him is whatever. And yes, the Moral Highground crowd needs to stop - particularly as they're probably the same homers excusing Lynch and the idiots on our team.
  18. I thought it added to the enjoyment.
  19. Didn't see the '07 Denver game?
  20. Sweet. Can't wait for Trent Dilfer to tell Trey Wingo that "the league didn't do this team any favors" even though the opponents & locations are determined 9 years in advance.
  21. Good for him. Not such a good canned line by Nantz.
  22. Thanks. Count me in teh fail camp.
  23. Just noticed this thread. WTF is it so long? Cliff notes?
  24. I don't know, for as long as I've been posting here it's been awfully fashionable to blame everything on everyone but the QB. Especially the coaches.
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