I thought they were the better team in Game 4 tbh but just couldn't finish anything. But yah they were also kinda lucky to win Game 1 and really had no business being tied with a few minutes left in Game 3.
I don't know if it's a work ethic issue as much as just having the wrong kinds of players. Roy and Connolly I don't think are going to take the hits you need to slam home a rebound no matter who the coach is. But of course Ruff almost certainly has something to do with those guys being on the roster and getting paid a lot, so I don't know. Also as Mike Schopp pointed out yesterday, Torres (however you feel about him) getting demoted to the checking line his 1st week with the team is kinda ridiculous and probably isn't the greatest sales pitch with respect to future FA's.
I've always liked Ruff too - but mostly because I can't stand Eagle fans who want to run Reid out of town for never being lucky enough to win the big one and I want to be consistent, but it's not like we're in the playoffs every year either. At some point you do have to wonder if this guy has just luckboxed into 2 great Goalies in his career. Remember it's not like we had to beat murderer's row to make the finals in '99.