So I've seen something sprinting across my kitchen on 3-4 occassions while watching tv in the adjacent room. No evidence of crap, or chewed up cereal boxes or anything. I get poison a month ago, and snap traps a week ago, with apparently no luck. A 2nd call to landlord yields a visit from exterminator. His puzzling visit goes something like this:
Exterminator: Kitchen?
Me: Yah.
Ext: [Nods]. Droppings?
Me: Haven't seen any. I point to where I've seen the vermin.
Ext: [checks behind oven, under sink]. Let me check the evidence. Here take these sticky traps. [Leaves].
WTF? He also at one point mentioned that my upstairs neighbor had called and this guy apparently paid a visit to her a few months ago (this is an old duplex) so to me there seems to clearly be an infestation somewhere.
1. At the risk of sounding like a PETA freak, I'm hesitant to use the unusually cruel glue traps; nor do I know how any more successful they'd be than poison/traps anyway.
2. Is my suspicion that this exterminator sucks correct and should I ask my landlord to contact a better one?
3. Thinking of getting a cat or 2 soon. How big of a danger does them catching a potentially poisonous rodent pose?