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Everything posted by BuffOrange

  1. Tampa for Week 10.
  2. How is it disgusting that some donkey wrote the most unoriginal piece ever? "Update: the weather in Buffalo isn't good". Oh no! Maybe his next article will be about Chicago being the biggest city in the midwest. Getting offended and sending hate mail to nobody hacks like this just gives credence to the idea that Buffalonians have a huge inferiority complex.
  3. I'll take Atlanta.
  4. Five minutes ago they didn't sign big name FA's and found all of these brilliant late round picks and were spearheaded by Terrence Wilkins and Dominic Rhodes.. Now once that theory is thrown out they're just better because they win and the Bills don't. This is why Schopp is rude to callers - some of you guys deserve it frankly... Peyton freaking Manning - that's the difference.
  5. You're talking about stretches and value diamond in the rough picks and your go-to counterpoints are Terrence Wilkins and Adam Vinateiri? Wilkins would be about the 4th best Bills return man this decade. Vinatieri I would say was as much of a "big name" FA as you can possibly have at K - and an overpaid one at that. Dominic Rhodes was a guy who got carries on a team that won the SB, like the Bucs RB in 2002. Yawn. Gary Bracket is a nice player. But every team in the league including the Bills has a guy like that who outperformed their draft evaluation.
  6. I don't know how many #1 picks we've had but I'm guessing it's not enough to say Bruce was some 1 in 10 "exceptions".
  7. You're just now thinking this after a game that helps our chances of getting the #1 pick?
  8. WGR is right. Complaining about play-calling is for mouth-breathing losers. Poor play-calling every game, every year. Yah, that's why we've sucked for a decade.
  9. I am gonna go with KC too. Would've went with Dallas if Romo didn't get hurt. Meh.
  10. OK, so can we pay Rooney to be our owner? We're going to have the same GM, the same coach, and probably the same owner next year. Give me Andrew Luck.
  11. This clutch talk is making my head hurt. Good kickers are more likely to make big kicks than poor kickers because they're better kickers. Vanderjet and Kaeding clearly had/have some mental issues but those guys are in the minority. Your thoughts on Vinaterri missing two chippshots vs. Carolina in the Superbowl? While it meets your big game criteria and I think could've put them up 2 scores, they were not going into the wind in a dome and they weren't over 52 yards. I don't remember where the playclock was. Perhaps we can split the difference and call it 1 clutch miss.
  12. It's certainly a spoiled bunch. Imagine if they were the only team to not make the playoffs in a decade.
  13. Heh, that works too. I knew Jake F'd up the Tampa game. I thought the other guy may have thrown away the KC game.
  14. This was more surprising to me. The Saints played their first good game last week and suddenly they're laying 13 points. Pretty ridiculous since the Browns come to play every week and are a couple pick 6's in the first 2 weeks of the season from being 4-3.
  15. Ms. Fitz, I don't know what "at some point" is, but I'm pretty sure it's after more than 1 good game against starters. You say "always" as if he does this every week. The Colts game was a joke. I can't take anything away from today. It was one game. A .250 hitter doesn't bat 1 for 4 every single game; sometimes he goes 4 for 5 with 2 HR's.
  16. Review footage.
  17. Whitner is a pathetic loser? That's breaking news.
  18. Baseball, like hockey, involves an incredible amount of luck in the postseason. Bad bounces of the puck, power plays at the wrong time, softly hit bloop singles vs. rocket line drives that turn into double plays...ehh, it is slanted towards the Yankees/Sox but everyone needs breaks in the playoffs. The '90 A's were a million times better than the Reds and got swept. I agree with your thoughts on the Spurs & Lakers, but that is my point. They had/have top 5 stars and won championships. The Trailblazers and Rockets who NBA analysts love as up & coming teams don't and they have a 0.00% chance of winning it all.
  19. Wow, you must've went to the Colin Cowherd school of bad analogies. So I'll ask again: which of the QB's that had no chance here would be good if they had a chance and why have none of them ever done anything elsewhere? And how do Rodgers, Romo, and Big Rape make plays with mediocre at best OL's?
  20. So you don't think the QB's that have come through here suck? Which ones were good?
  21. I think the main reason I can't get into the NBA is the clear line between haves and have nots. There are teams like Atlanta and Milwaukee with a good young foundation, but does it really matter? Without an elite top 5 star you pretty much have no chance to win the big prize. The only exceptions in my 30 year lifetime are the '04 Pistons, and the '08 Celtics who did have 3 All-Stars. Would you take the field over the Heat & Lakers to win the whole thing at even money? I wouldn't. Can't say that about any other sport before the start of the season.
  22. You don't suppose the 6ers sucking for so long has anything to do with that? It is an Eagles town, period. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th depend completely on who is good at the moment. Obviously that is the Phillies now. There's way too many schools to really be much of a college town.
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