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Everything posted by BuffOrange

  1. Except that is factually false and the Giants offense was no worse thereafter, as football outsiders has documented ad nauseum.
  2. While all of that may be true, it still doesn't make much sense that he basically never saw the field last year. Aside from the fact that it would've been hard to be worse than their 32nd ranking vs the run last year; the Bills couldn't put him in there on 3rd&12?
  3. Somehow this is too hard for some to understand. Twitter didn't stop him from pulling out a bag of tricks to get open on Revis but it stops him from catching the ball when he's wide open. Umm ok, makes sense.
  4. Can't argue with what Burress said. GTFO with the 'karma'. Bills fans of all people should know karma at least in sports, does not exist. NE, Dallas & Pittsburgh have won multiple SB's. Buffalo & Cleveland have none. Seem fair?
  5. The Post Standard is why the team was put on probation in the 90's. It's not a cheerleader for the University.
  6. I've gone on record as saying we need him back next year but the guy choked hard. Not sure why these two things seem to be mutually exclusive. If some NE WR did a mock celebration (which I personally didn't have a problem with) and followed it up with a choking drop they'd be a laughing stock here and rightfully so. This obsession with blaming 3rd string OLmen and kickers off the street is weird. Clearly ignoring the obvious gaffe at the end and calling people "tards" makes you an expert though.
  7. Yah he was the first guy in I don't know how many games to get 100 yards on the Steelers a few years ago - I thought he would get some more snaps after that. I also had no idea he was ever realeased & signed by Washington.
  8. Making up quotes and criticizing double standard fan reactions that haven't happened yet...congratulations, that might be a first even for the internet. Your obsession with Boeheim is a little scary; did he throw it in your girlfriend?
  9. I always found it incomprehensible that Losman never once threw the ball over the middle in three years, ever.
  10. Yah, I've seen 8,001 worse holds than that go uncalled this year. Nice "Duke basketball" like flop by Edelmen.
  11. Looks good. I might give Pears average.
  12. Shut up about what? Next year ought to be fun with Donald Jones as the #1 WR, unless we spin our wheels and try to fill the newly created hole in the draft, which we've been doing @CB for a decade (that's worked out well).
  13. Sounds like a swell idea. Rob Ryan has never done squat in the league and had problems with the only offense that managed to make the Bills pass-rush look good. Lets give him a fat check because he's on camera a lot and has a cool name. Actually that sounds like something the Bills might do.
  14. Can you believe the Eagles threw the ball in the endzone on 3rd down? They were already in FG range! And Young had already thrown int's! Why didn't they just kick the FG?
  15. Lets see the Bengals have a 1.5 game lead on us and the Browns/Cardinals/Rams left on their schedule. And they just got screwed by the refs in a 1score loss on the road, without their best player, in the toughest game they'll play the rest of the year. Yah they look awful - we clearly have the inside track on them.
  16. The season is over. We need an aging WR like we need another LB who can't rush the passer.
  17. Right but they were curbstomped in most of those games and were gift-wrapped the Dallas/SD games; lucky they're not 3-7. Of course they're not going to bench him for Brunnell who is 47yrs old.
  18. The guy has been put in a situation that 95% of QB's would kill for in their first two years - elite OL, elite defense, elite running game. "Led them to the playoffs" - that's a good one - Bill Polian and his stubborness led them to the playoffs in year 1 - they were a 7-7 team that needed the Colts to forfeit a game just to make the playoffs (the previous year they were 9-3 before Favre's arm fell off). And now because the circumstances aren't perfect and their defense isn't pitching shutouts giving up a whopping 10 points <gasp>, he's a victim of a poor team....makes sense.
  19. Is he the one who has rushed for 200 yards/game the last few years? The defense gave up 10 points. The offense netted 6 points (and that was only because in typical fluke NYJ fashion, they fumbled into the endzone after missing a wide open WR). Yah I'm gonna pin this on him.
  20. I wonder if that's getting married or getting older. I'm not married but in my 30's now, I feel better about my life having stopped pretending to care about college football the last couple years. I mean really why waste a Saturday afternoon watching Michigan vs Illinois. Winner might go to the Outback Bowl - yipee! And the championship game is determined by God knows what - GTFO. It's really just Bills & SU hoops for the diehard in me, with some fairweather Sabres/Phillies/SU football mixed in.
  21. It was also a winnable game without him, as in the easiest game left on their schedule. If they can't beat the Cardinals at home without him, they weren't gonna make the playoffs anyway.
  22. "There would two guys I thought we needed to defend and we held them to 51 points; so I thought that was good". Classic Boeheim.
  23. I said this in the other thread - wish he didn't come back. Team looked nasty tonight though.
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