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Everything posted by BuffOrange

  1. Very true. Triche is not mediocre at sucking; he really goes full steam ahead when he puts his mind to it. Why does he inbound every ball when he's the shortest guy on the floor and lost the last L'ville game by failing in that exact scenario?
  2. Fair being basically the only guy on the team I really like, I almost felt bad for him. Figured he'd be the one guy who wouldn't choke at the line (honestly did anyone think triche was making his?). Keita though wtf. But ya sweet dunk. Eat s#!# Gtown.
  3. I mean really. Have to win this game.
  4. Right. GMs everywhere are in their office saying "ya know this Guard/Tackle is a beast but no playoff games? That knocks a few mill off his deal."
  5. Can't think of two things I care less about in an OG than playoff experience and Pro Bowls.
  6. No of course nobody said that. On a different subject I like my girlfriend but she's annoying, a bit of a dramaqueen, kind of a b!*ch and terrible in bed.
  7. Ya I see now it's 3 in his first 3 years. So none in 2yrs wasn't exactly right, but certainly a better representation than "never healthy".
  8. Wow @ anyone thinking this guy isn't really good. Christian freaking Ponder. "Never healthy"...except he didn't miss any games for 2yrs until last year.
  9. Exactly. Those complaining about retrospect are also complaining about criticism on draft day "These grades are stupid; we won't know until 4yrs from now!". Yawn. Basically it's never ok to criticize a GM who actually gets paid and has infinitely more resources than fans.
  10. Yah. Good thing G'town has no fans or ending the rivalry like this would be a lot more annoying. There is a chance we see them again but that requires an upset of Pitt. No idea. Southerland actually did some rebounding for once but in general he is just a gigantic minus if he's not making 3's. How Grant doesn't get more minutes is mind-numbing. Amen to that.
  11. Meh, people say the same thing about every good recruiter (except maybe K) and recruiting is 95% of what matters.
  12. I hear you but to be fair I always do an internal facepalm when someone blames a car break-in on "the idiot who left their GPS on the passenger seat" (and I never leave stuff out or have my car broken into but still...) Their problem imo is more pretending it's still 1961 and quoting the $.72 on the $1 as fact (which everyone knows is bogus). Plus (and I think Bernie Goldberg wrote this in one of his books) - what if the gender ratio of college grads today were flipped? The NOW would be on the evening news every night crying bloody murder. But as it is favoring girls you don't hear a peep about it.
  13. The key to being clutch, as pointed out by Bill Barnwell, is to have the ball bounce your way early in your career. Play Brady's exact career in reverse and he'd be portrayed as an 8year choker up until the Panthers kicker booting the ball out of bounds. Likewise nobody cares that Big Ben came up small in a home game vs the Bengals with the playoffs on the line. Meanwhile Matt Ryan is not clutch even though he shredded the 49ers for 400+ yards.
  14. I have no idea why Triche is such a polarizing player. On one side you have a legion of hyper-sensitive Gmac-like fanboys waiting to say "I told ya so, always loved him" after a good game @L'ville (I guess because he's local?). And on the other side is the "leadership" attackers (ie he doesn't talk enough but only brought up when he misses shots). OK whatever. Bottom line is he is an average Big East Guard, which means he has good and bad games and has compiled a great record by being on good teams. Ya I'm not going to miss those guys too much. Do they have anyone to play Guard next yr other than Ennis & Cooney?
  15. It's hard to like anybody on the team not named C.J.
  16. I think a lot of us saw this coming when we were in 1st place - a perimeter oriented team with no inside game that can't shoot isn't exactly a championship formula. Triche has always been a middle of the pack Big East Guard. Nobody would care about his leadership if he could make a shot.
  17. ?? Only the clueless would disagree.
  18. I'll give JB this much: It's nice to see him be an a-hole to a national reporter for a change instead of just bullying the locals. Banned for a week from Cusefan froum wtf? Don't remember posting anything remotely controversial last night. They have thinner skin than JB.
  19. Warrick's famous t-bag dunk on Texas was called a charge but in the ultimate "I think we screwed up" hedge they let the basket count. Yah it's unfortunate that Southy & Grant can't really play together, at least not if they want a traditional 1-5 lineup. JB did say Grant would've played more if the game had a faster pace to it fwiw.
  20. I personally don't think MCW has a good enough handle to play point or a good enough shot to play off the ball and be a great player in the NBA. But when everyone assumes a guy is leaving he pretty much always leaves. No way Grant isn't back next year imo. Christmas definitely looks like a guy that was created in a lab to play PF/C but just doesn't seem to bring it a lot of nights. He did only average 11pts in HS I think so maybe last night was a fluke; but it's good to know he's capable of bringing some offense I guess. Hope the McDonough/Bilas/Raftery crew migrates to the ACC next year. I could watch a Wake Forest-Va Tech game if they're on the mic.
  21. Yah I would say he's pretty much the poster boy of worthless espn analysts. Tries to be opinionated but really he's just chalk full of meaningless old school cliches, and not the least bit interesting.
  22. Have you tried putting peppermint oil on mothballs? I heard that can keep them away. But really I'm not sure. I also didn't have any luck w/ traps & thought the ultrasonic thing was sorta effective, although the exterminator told me those were a joke. As I was looking for peppermint oil I had a long conversation with a CVS guy about his largely unsuccessful war, which was kinda depressing. Ultimately I just got a shelter cat. Problem solved plus I have an awesome friend. Tell your dog to get over it.
  23. There were a plethora of reasons we lost that game. Badly outplayed in every facet. Couldn't protect Kelly very well and when we did Beebe had some terrible drops (luckily for him people only remember the Leon Lett play though). And of course the refs didn't do us any favors. I don't think the K-Gun was ever really the same since Denver blitzed the hell out of us the week before. Wasn't Metzelars our leading WR the year after?
  24. Yah, isn't that service why Europeans brought them over here on ships in the first place? And as the last sentence/quote of that article alludes to, they kill rats who kill birds too, so it's not all bad.
  25. This. No matter how many times Bill Barnwell shoots down the "clutch in the playoffs" thing a zillion times over, people still want to believe in it and downplay the randomness that is a single elimination tournament. Brady was all-time clutch and lost his clutchness in 2005. Eli is always clutch except when he's not in December collapses & playoff losses to the Eagles. Mark Sanchez won 4 road playoff games in 2yrs including vs Manning/Brady in one year. I am not buying Flacco stock at it's all-time high.
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