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Everything posted by BuffOrange

  1. I thought this thread was bumped from 2001, but apparantly not... This is a joke, right?
  2. I think in 97, Denver won in Pittsburgh and GB won in SF. I'd like to see Atlanta pull it off, but I think Philly will prevail. I think you'll probably be able to tell the outcome after the 1st Qtr though. Either the Eagles romp, or they get a tight collar in the 4th Qtr of a close game.
  3. I only watched the 1st season... That show is going to overexpose itself ie Millionare.
  4. Other than the Houston game, I believe that was our biggest playoff deficit, 17-6 at one point. Billy Brooks was the man in that game.
  5. Didn't realize Howard had found a replacement for 'Gary the Retard'. Did you see Dwayne Wade's place on 'Cribs'?
  6. Seriously? Then how do you still have a job?
  7. It ain't just southerners... 1/2 inch pretty much destroyed Philadelphia too. And they're used to snow, which further proves my theory that Eagles fans are just plain retarded.
  8. Right on....the fans here suck. Pittsburgh isn't much better. The arrogance they still have from the 70's will be compounded with a modern SB win. Atlanta - obviously a bad sports town, but that doesn't make them different from Tampa Bay, Baltimore, and all the other ridiculous cities that have won before. I'm sure I'll get flamed for this, but truthfully I wouldn't mind seeing NE win. I HATE them more than anyone except Miami and I rooted against them passionately the first two times, because I didn't want those crooked cheats to ever win a SB before the Bills. But now that they've already won it twice, a 3rd wouldn't be such a big deal to me if it prevented Philly/Pittsburgh from winning. Besides, some of their players have to start asking for more $ sooner or later if they keep winning, right?
  9. The short-term memories of not only casual fans, but respected media members, is inredible. Last week so many people picked the road teams (except the Jets) because of what they did against crappy teams in the 1st round (once again, this excludes the Jets ironic enough), forgetting that the teams that didn't play in Round 1 had a bye for a reason. Admittadly I was one of those who fell for the Colts hype (for the first and last time), but I did get the other 3 right. But it's not really a pro-Patriots thing; it's just a bandwagon thing. If the Pats won in OT last week and the Steelers won 20-3 everyone would be picking Pittsburgh. I still like the Patsies though.
  10. Wow, talk about inside info - Now I'm convinced I have to dole out $ to get insider
  11. I agree - he did what a competitor should be expected to do/say without causing any REAL disruptions. He never had a "I'll play when I want to play" attitude. I don't know where this cancer crap is coming from; because he said a few things after the draft and after the season. He didn't demand 25 carries against Pittsburgh in the midst of our winning streak and disrupt cowbell. Now he's living in a fantasy world if he thinks he's a top 5 RB, but that's beside the point. However, if the Dolphins gave up a 3rd rounder for Lamar freaking Gordon, then I wouldn't accept anything less than a 2nd rounder.
  12. I've been trying to explain this to my co-workers all week... There's a difference between beating Marino, Elway, Montana, and losing to Brad Johnson & Jake Delhomme; as home favorites no less. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Philly
  13. Of course not. It become public that they were moving to Baltimore DURING the previous season. They were a lame duck franchise from October 95 on. The year before that they made the 2nd round of the playoffs.
  14. You & me both. I hate Iggles as well.
  15. I'm really glad Herman Edwards is in our division.
  16. Since the Patriots are in our division, and since we have to beat them if we ever want to go anywhere - then no - I don't take comfort in the Patriots beating other teams. I doubt the Redskins or Cowboys had that loser's mentality when they were playing in the toughest division.
  17. Same here, though lately I've been going to the hole in the walls more often. Maybe I'm getting old, but I don't like the "too crowded to walk, too loud to hear my friends, $6/beer" places anymore. I mean if you're sleeping alone after going to a place like that, the entire night just feels like a waste, because that's the only potential positive. Also, if anybody is ever in Atlantic City, DO NOT go to Borgota. That place is rigged. Uhh, that's what I've heard anyway, umm...
  18. Everyone must have you on ignore. God, this thread shows up every week. "I can't believe these idiots are picking xyz..."
  19. It's called home field advantage. I'd do the same thing. I do think Belichick's quote was a riot though... Bill - do you really have to insult our intelligence that badly? "I'm just a powerless 9-5 lunchpale, pop-warner coach. I have no control over this stuff. Go talk to Groundskeeper Willie - he's really the guy in charge".
  20. I don't buy it. The teacher spelled "too" wrong. "Page is to big"?
  21. The most important rule for the playoffs is "don't pick the underdog unless you think they can win the game outright". Can anybody see the Jets winning this game? Probably not. I think I might quit while I'm ahead this postseason though. It's not going to get any easier than Indy -10 and Minnesota +6 last week.
  22. I've heard a lot about this Rachel Ray chick. Does anyone have her cookbook? I was thinking of getting it the other day. I can't cook squat.
  23. Never saw the first season, but I quietly enjoyed a few episodes of the OC up until a couple weeks ago when the whole "my father-in-law slept with your Aunt so technically we're sisters" quasi-incest thing confused the heck out of me and was quite boring to boot. 1. Simpsons 2. Curb Your Enthusiasm (glad I'm not the only one) 3. Seinfeld reruns 4. Real World (watching these losers makes me feel better about myself)
  24. Ugh, don't remind me. I wish there were a "filter" option for scanning stations on my radio. I prefer the static-filled NYC station. At least Mike & Dog are capable of discussing sporting events outside of a 20 mile radius.
  25. Trust me - you'd feel differently if you lived a little bit further south in Jersey
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